Bergen-Boston Forum 2023 & 2024


30. November - 1. December.

Time: 09:00 - 17:00


The University of Bergen and Media Futures is hosting a two-day workshop on AI and the Future of Protest Politics.

Prominent scholars from different disciplines will be discussing the impact of AI-based platforms, and their underlying technological and economic principles, on political discourse and protest.The goal is to bring together prominent scholars from different disciplines to discuss the impact of AI-based platforms, and their underlying technological and economic principles, on political discourse and protest. 

The event will draw on the Boston-Bergen Forum on Digital Futures—an international research network among the ‘Culture, Society & Politics’ and the ‘Practical Philosophy’ research groups at UiB’s Philosophy Department, the MediaFutures Research Centre Bergen, the Applied Ethics Center at UMass Boston, and the MIT Program Human Rights and Technology

This project is Co-lead by Professor Franz Knappik (Bergen) and Dr. Christopher Senf(Bergen) as well Professor Christoph Trattner (MediaFutures) and Professor Nir Eisikovist (UMass).

WHEN: 30. November (Thursday) – 1. December (Friday) 2023, from 9:00—17:00 (CET).

WHERE: The Philosophy Department in Bergen, Sydnesplassen 12/13, seminarrommet i 1. etasje

👉🏼Read more about the workshop here👈🏼


The Philosophy Department in Bergen
Sydnesplassen 12/13, seminarrommet i 1. etasje
5007 Bergen


The University of Bergen and Media Futures