
News from the Norwegian Media Cluster.

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Inas Hamdan receives Anne Jacobsens's Memorial Award

The journalist from Sydsvenska Dagbladet is being awarded the prize for uncovering one of the largest disinformation campaigns Sweden has ever faced.

Innovasjon i journalistikken: Sensorer som nye verktøy


Project Origin and Reynir Media Provenance Summit in Manchester

Newsrooms, tech-companies and researchers from all over the world join forces in the fight against desinformation.



Future Week 2024


Nytt navn og ny profil: Nå heter vi Medieklyngen

New name and profile: We are now Media Cluster Norway.

The Future Week 2024 program is here

Dive Into the Future of Media and Technology

Meet us and our members at IBC Show 2024

IBC is one of the world's most influential media, entertainment & technology trade shows for professionals engaged in creating, managing, and delivering entertainment and news content worldwide. This year, IBC takes place on 13 - 16 September in Amsterdam.

Inas Hamdan får Anne Jacobsens Minnepris

Journalisten i Sydsvenska Dagbladet får prisen for å ha avdekket en av de største desinformasjonskampanjene Sverige noen gang har stått overfor.

Opptak: Deepfakes, cheapfakes og trusselen fra generativ kunstig intelligens

Se opptaket fra debatten vår under Arendalsuka her

Overveldet av Arendalsukas program? Her er våre tips.

Arendalsuka har hundrevis av arrangementer på programmet, og det kan være utfordrende å finne frem til de virkelige godbitene. Derfor har vi satt sammen en liste med våre håndplukkede favoritter relatert til media, demokrati, teknologi og innovasjon. Hvis arrangementene streames, er dette ofte nevnt på arrangementets hjemmeside.

Nordic CTO summit: What are the CTOs looking for?

Join us for the first-ever summit of the Nordic broadcasters' CTOs at Future Week 25–26 September.

Studietur til Washington D.C.

Ta pulsen på presidentvalget i USA og møt spennende journalister, redaktører, medie-teknologer og andre på innsiden av D.C.

Studietur til IBC

Bli med på studietur til Amsterdam for International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) fra 13. til 14. september.

Breakfast meeting: Implementing C2PA across the production chain

Start your Saturday morning at IBC with us on 14 September at 8 AM at Hotel Okura for a morning of networking during breakfast.

Show & Tell: Summer Edition 🌴

Join us on Thursday, 13 June at the Media Lab in Media City Bergen for exciting project presentations followed by a summer party

Future Week 24

Mark the dates 25–26 September in your calendar and sign up for Future Week!

Deepfakes, cheapfakes og trusselen fra generativ kunstig intelligens

Møt oss på Arendalsuka

Bergen: The media tech capital of Norway

The Norwegian government made a statement 33 years ago, granting Bergen a unique position. Now it's time to act again.

Magnus Hoem Iversen tar over for Guro Istad

– En stjerne ut, en stjerne inn.

Meet the Media Cluster at NAB

Meet us, our members and partners at NAB in Las Vegas.

Prosjekt Reynir får 10 millioner til tech-løft mot desinformasjon

Agenda Vestlandet støtter Medieklyngen i kampen mot falske nyheter.

Project Reynir receives 10 million kroner for technological solutions to fight disinformation

Agenda Vestlandet supports Media City Bergen in the fight against fake news.

Årshjulet 2024

Året er allerede godt i gang, og det er også aktivitetsplanleggingen i Medieklyngen. Fra konferanser og workshops til nettverksmøter og studieturer: Her får du en oversikt over noen av høydepunktene i årshjulet for 2024. Sett av datoene i kalenderen din allerede nå!

We are facing a storm of fake content, and we have never been more vulnerable. What can we do about it?

The solution may be closer than you think.

Sportskonferansen 24

Sportskonferansen er stedet for innhold, innovasjon og inspirasjon for alle som er interessert i sportsjournalistikk- og sportsproduksjon.

Media Cluster star Ease Live won big at the 2023 SportsPro OTT Awards

Media Cluster Member Ease Live, in collaboration with the YES Network, dominated the SportsPro OTT Awards 2023, winning multiple Gold and Silver honors, and showcasing their leadership in sports technology and fan engagement.

Overordnet målbilde for prosjektet


Bakgrunn for prosjektet


Datajournalistikknettverket: Breaking good med Bord4

Når alarmen går handler det om å være først – og best. Høsten 2022 var et av hovedmålene til Bord4 å løfte Bergens Tidendes breakingjournalistikk ved bruk av data. BT har bygget tjenester som fjerner tidstyver og automatiserer arbeidet til både lederne og journalistene, blant annet med en egen breakingbot.

U35: Kan AI gjøre deg til en bedre journalist?

Torsdag 30.november salmes vi for å utforske hvordan.

Få med deg tre spennende presentasjoner på én dag

Vi får høre om produksjonen av høstens valgsendinger, Fædrelandsvennens banebrytende ung-prosjekt og Universitetet i Agders store satsing på grønn, gratis og forståelig AI

Redaksjonell innovasjonsledelse: Et ung-prosjekt som faktisk funker!

Få med deg hvordan Fædrelandsvennen har lyktes i å nå de unge, i et prosjekt som finansierer seg selv.

MediaFutures og Medieklyngen inngår strategisk samarbeid i kampen mot desinformasjon

– Vi ser fram til å samarbeide med Medieklyngen på Reynir, et prosjekt som støtter vårt mål om å bekjempe falske nyheter og feilinformasjon. Det sier Christoph Trattner, leder for SFI MediaFutures. SFI MediaFutures har som hovedformål å utvikle ansvarlig medieteknologi, med særlig fokus på kunstig intelligens (KI).

Alliance of 43 European media and tech organisations to build a trusted European media data space

After more than two years of preparation work, the TEMS consortium officially starts its work in the flagship European initiative to build a resilient data-driven ecosystem in the media sector.

Digitale fortellinger: Historiene bak barna Norge svikter

Hvor mange alvorlig psykisk syke barn er under barnevernets omsorg? Får de helsehjelpen de trenger? Det kunne ingen offentlig etat svare på høsten 2021 – til tross for at staten selv har ansvar for disse barna.

Datajournalistikknettverket: Slik brukte vi data til å avdekke Ola Borten Moes aksjekjøp

En av sommerens virkelig store nyheter var E24s oppsiktsvekkende avsløring av Ola Borten Moes aksjekjøp. Kort tid etter at nyheten sprakk, trakk Moe seg både som statsråd og nestleder i Senterpartiet.

U35: sommervikarene som felte statsråden

Balder Haarklou Jensen og Jørgen Indrøy Strømsnes, fra E24, forteller om hvordan de jobbet med sakskomplekset fra idé til publisering

Blir du med til IBC?

15.-18. september er det igjen duket for Europas største medieteknologi-messe i Amsterdam

Media Lab Talks: Pictures with AI and Stable Diffusion

Media Lab Talks is the event to attend for Developers and anyone interested in media and tech.

Digitale fortellinger

Ukrainske skjebner fortalt i 360 grader

Generativ AI: Trussel eller mulighet

Gikk du glipp av arrangementet vårt på Arendalsuka? Se det her.

Agenda Vestlandet gir Medieklyngen to millioner i kampen mot falske nyheter

Fra scenen på Arendalsuka kunngjorde Agenda Vestlandet i dag at de bidrar med to millioner kroner til Prosjekt Reynir, som skal løfte teknologi som motvirker desinformasjon.

Overveldet av Arendalsukas program? Her er våre tips.

Arendalsuka har hundrevis av arrangementer på programmet, og det kan være utfordrende å finne frem til de virkelige godbitene. Derfor har vi satt sammen en liste med våre håndplukkede favoritter relatert til media, demokrati, teknologi og innovasjon. Hvis arrangementene streames, er dette ofte nevnt på arrangementets hjemmeside.

Møt oss under Arendalsuka

Generativ AI: Trussel eller mulighet

Future Week 23 i bilder

Tusen takk til våre medlemmer, publikum, foredragsholdere og samarbeidspartnere for at dere muliggjør den største medietech-konferansen i Norge.

Transforming the Fan Experience: YES Network and Ease Live Bring Interactive Sports Content to Connected Devices

With groundbreaking technology from Cluster Member Ease Live, the YES Network has achieved a remarkable feat in the world of sports broadcasting. As the first sports network to offer single-screen interactive content on connected devices, they are revolutionizing the fan experience.

Factiverse lanserer AI Editor for Faktasjekk og Kildevurdering


Anne Jacobsens Memorial Award 2023

"Anne was warm, she was engaged. She was eager to create partnerships and cooperation, to contribute to innovation and promote fact-based media – to empower a fact-based society." Said Kjesti Løken Stavrum, leder of the Anne Jacobsens Memorial Award committee, when she presented the winner. Read the full speech from Kjersti Løken Stavrum and award winner Bellingcat represented by Dessi Lange-Damianova under.

Bellingcat vinner Anne Jacobsens Minnepris

«I kampen mot løgn og usannheter er det inspirerende at Bellingcat finnes. Vi er stolte over å kunne hedre deres arbeid,» skriver juryen.

Bak kamera med One Ocean Expedition: Innholdsproduksjon på åpent hav

Statsraad Lehmkuhl kom nylig tilbake til Bergen etter den 20 måneder lange jordomseilingen One Ocean Expedition. Seilasen ble grundig dokumentert – tidvis under svært krevende forhold.

TikToks muskelkraft: Slik undersøkte vi algoritmene til verdens største app

Etter å ha laget TikTok-boter som undersøkte forskjellen mellom å se på appen i Russland og Ukraina, ville NRK bruke metoden i en ny sak: Å analysere hvor raskt norske barn dras inn i en verden av ekstrem trening på den populære plattformen. Men botene fungerte ikke som forventet.

Project Origin: How technology can combat misinformation

Charlie Halford from the BBC will run a two-part presentation and workshop, exploring the C2PA standard for media provenance and what it can do to prevent misinformation.

Digitale fortellinger: Roadtrip som sjanger

Kyrre Lien er VGs Europa-korrespondent. Han har i flere år jobbet som frilanser for flere store nasjonale og internasjonale medier og er blitt premiert med priser i både inn- og utland, senest Internasjonal Reporter-prisen tidligere i vår.

Redaksjonell innovasjonsledelse: Slik endrer Hub2 journalistikken i TV 2

Karen Anna Kleppe er redaksjonsleder for Hub2, en ny avdeling i TV 2 som skal bidra til vekst gjennom redaksjonell nyskaping og metodisk arbeid for å nå nye målgrupper.

20 Minutes on Fighting Disinformation: What does research say about the efficiency of fact checking?

Fact-checking and correcting texts have been an essential part of journalism. Still, the checks and corrections in the newsrooms may, in a worst-case scenario, contribute to spreading misinformation and lies. What do we know about these techniques and whether they work or not to stop misinformation? Let's have a look at what the research says.

U35 i Stavanger: Hvordan fikk de kremjobben?

U35 er Medieklyngens nettverk for deg som jobber i et redaksjonelt miljø og er under 35 år.

U35: Slik er det å være ung og profilert kommentator

BT har landets yngste kommentatorkorps. Hvordan er det å bli kastet inn i en personlig profilert rolle i ung alder?

Medieklyngen styrker teamet og ansetter Guro Istad

Går fra Pressens Hus til Media City Bergen

Christieprisen 2023 til professor Leif Ove Larsen

Vi sender våre største gratulasjoner til professor Leif Ove Larsen, som mottok Christieprisen 2023 for sin uvurderlige rolle i etableringen og utviklingen av Medieklyngen og Media City Bergen.

Camilla Kvalheim tildelt Mangfoldsprisen

Under Medienettverkets vårmøte på Pressens Hus torsdag ble Mangfoldsprisen delt ut til ansvarlig redaktør og daglig leder i TV BRA, Camilla Kvalheim. Medieklyngen gratulerer Camilla Kvalheim med Mangfoldsprisen!

20 Minutes on Fighting Disinformation: Influence operations, hacking and cyber threats

Simen Bakke, senior information security advisor in the Norwegian Police IT unit, will present how cyber threats such as hacking, data breaches and espionage can be used and combined to carry out influence operations. Influence operations are often done to influence the outcome of decisions. This can be, for example, political decisions and democratic elections, but it can also be more subtle and personal matters.

Raising a 228MNOK investment as a startup in an uncertain market

How the startup Katmai raised $22M (Approx. 228 MNOK) for its metaverse idea

Kurs i Skattefunn

Svært mange bedrifter utnytter ikke mulighetene til å få delfinansiert sine forsknings- og innovasjonsaktiviteter gjennom Skattefunn.

Digitale fortellinger

I lukkede rom – fortell fengende med utgangspunkt i bygninger og steder

Workshop for datajournalister i samarbeid med Nordiske Mediedager

Lær visualisering av data med Ashley Kirk fra The Guardian.

Medieklyngen blir en del av Project Origin

– Generativ AI har vist at det haster mer enn noensinne å finne løsninger som sikrer at folk kan stole på at det de ser er ekte.

20 minutes on fighting disinformation: How Russian propaganda works on the ground in Ukraine

Professor of Journalism Maksym Balaklytskyi from the University of Kharkiv, Ukraine, will explain how Russian propaganda works to destabilise society, justify war, blame others and threaten Ukraine's allies.

Datajournalistikknettverket: Det beste fra årets NICAR-konferanse

NICAR er verdens største konferanse dedikert til datagraving, og gikk i år av stabelen i Nashville i starten av mars. John Bones fra SKUP dro tradisjonen tro med seg en gjeng ivrige deltakere fra Norge, som fikk oppleve noe av det beste bransjen har å by på innenfor dette feltet.

Kan vi stole på robotjournalistene?

«Trøblete år for Muybridge AS», lød tittelen på en sak signert Bergens Tidendes bedrifsrobot som ble publisert i mai i fjor. Roboten baserer seg på tall fra Brønnøysundregisteret og Proff når den skriver saker, og tolket tallene dit at Muybridge var i trøbbel. Men var det riktig?

U35: Hvordan man jobber i krigssonen

Elias spurte seg selv: Hvorfor skal man reise til frontlinjen i krigen som fotojournalist, det er jo ikke min krig? Er det vært det? Hva om et missil treffer akkurat mitt hotellrom? Slike spørsmål stilte Elias seg mange ganger før han reiste ned til krigssonen for første gang.

Chat GPT: Lystløgner eller/og verktøy?

Har ChatGPT endret vårt forhold til tekst for alltid? Hvordan skal vi forholde oss til denne skråsikre roboten som gjerne kan ta feil? Hva kan den brukes til nå, og hva kan den brukes til i fremtiden?

Nytt nettverk for redaksjonell innovasjonsledelse

Nytt nettverk for nyhetsledere og redaktører med fokus på hvordan man får til endring og innovasjon i redaksjonene.

Bak kamera med NRK: Slik laget vi 110-serien

I denne presentasjonen får du møte folkene bak kamera i 110-serien og høre mer om hvordan de har jobbet – både med utvikling av smarte løsninger og på jobb sammen med brannvesenet.

Når kunstig intelligens inntar redaksjonen

Hvordan forholde seg til tjenester som ChatGPT og AI-generert innhold som journalist.

Starter nytt nettverk for digitale fortellinger

Medieklyngen inngår samarbeid med Fortellingens kraft.

Show&Tell Stavanger

Tirsdag 14. mars klokken 14.00-15.00 inviterer vi deg til Innoasis for å lære mer om framtidens medieteknologi.

Datajournalistikknettverket: Slik lager du datadrevet klimajournalistikk som treffer

I løpet av en intensiv time vil et stjernelag bestående av representanter fra hele fire av redaksjonene i Medieklyngen fortelle deg om hvordan de har utviklet datadrevet klimajournalistikk som treffer:

U35: Hvordan lage Norges beste innhold?

U35 Medieklynges nettverk for deg som jobber i et redaksjonelt miljø og er under 35 år

Do you want to join us at NAB?

It is a pleasure to announce that the Media Cluster plans a study trip to the NAB Show in Las Vegas in April.

12 scale-ups continue the STADIEM journey

The Integrate phase for the Open Call 2 scale-ups has officially started: from the 16 that made it to the end of the Develop phase, 12 have been selected to continue the STADIEM journey.

Welcome to the first edition of 20 minutes on fighting disinformation in 2023

Russia's systemic approach to online propaganda and manipulation

U35: TikTok for journalister

U35 Medieklynges nettverk for deg som jobber i et redaksjonelt miljø og er under 35 år

Datajournalistikknettverket: Hvem eier Norge?

Jonas forteller oss om hvordan DN-teamet arbeidet med gravespesialen Hvem eier Norge?

STADIEM: Progress report from Scriptix

Co-creating customizable speech recognition models for smaller European languages.

Søker etter kandidater til Anne Jacobsens Minnepris 2023

Hvem har gjort noe prisverdig i kampen mot desinformasjon? Komiteen for Anne Jacobsens Minnepris inviterer alle til å nominere kandidater.

Nytt samarbeid mellom TV 2 og TV BRA

På nyttårsaften og 1. nyttårsdag så tusenvis av norske hjem det TV BRA-produserte nyttårsprogrammet “Tid for omtanke” på TV 2.

Datajournalistikknettverket: Generativ AI – Hva er det, og hvordan fungerer det?

Vi starter årets sesong i Datajournalistikknettverket med et brak torsdag 12. januar 2023 kl. 09.00.

Velkommen til Bak Kamera!

Jobber du med video eller TV-produksjon i en redaksjon? Streamer du direkte fra bedriftens grønnvegg-studio? Eller har du ansvaret for teknikken som muliggjør det hele? Da er dette nettverket for deg!

U35: Nettverk for unge journalister

Medieklynges nettverk for deg som jobber i et redaksjonelt miljø og er under 35 år

Bergensavisen tilbake i Medieklyngen

3. januar tar Guro Valland over stafettpinnen som sjefredaktør for Bergensavisen. Nå har hun meldt avisen inn i Medieklyngen igjen.

Highsoft won the Villsauen 2022 award

The Bergen Chamber of Commerce has awarded Highsoft the Villsauen 2022 prize. Villsauen recognises innovative companies with consistent international success, and the committee recognised Highsoft's significant impact on the international data visualisation market as the critical reason for the company's success. This is reflected in the fact that 99% of Highsoft's revenue comes from overseas, and 80 of the world's 100 largest companies are on its customer list.

Paneldebatt: Bør atferdsbasert markedsføring forbys?

I høst kom Personvernkommisjonens rapport. Kommisjonen skulle blant annet se på konsekvenser av innsamling, analyse og videre bruk av personopplysninger knyttet til såkalt atferdsbasert markedsføring. Personvernkommisjonen foreslår å videre utrede forbud mot slik markedsføring.

Et bærekraftig demokrati - Nasjonalt kompetansesenter mot desinformasjon

Media City Bergen (MCB) er en nasjonal kunnskaps- og næringsklynge som rommer medieteknologiaktører, utdannings- og forskningsmiljøer, samt mediehus og redaksjoner. Nå jobber vi for å etablere et nasjonalt kompetansesenter for å møte utfordringene fra falske nyheter, konspirasjonsteorier og desinformasjon.

Er du vår neste Senior Project Manager?

Media City Bergen søker Senior Project Manager

Nomono joins the Media Cluster

Nomono’s mission is to simplify podcasting and redefine the listening experience by enabling anyone to record immersive audio with uncompromising quality and ease. We are pleased to welcome Nomono to the Media Cluster!

Meet the Norwegian Media Cluster at IBC2022

Meet us and our members at IBC, stand 2.A25. Join us when several of our members will showcase some of the newest media tech innovations and solutions from the Cluster at the MCB Village.

En hilsen fra første dag på jobben


First day at work


Rett og urett - Makt og avmakt

Kritisk blikk på Ytringsfrihetskommisjonens rapport.

NCE Media satte fokus på ​​«fake news» under Arendalsuka

NCE Medias to arrangementer i Arendal fikk svært mye oppmerksomhet og fylte alt av plass med interesserte tilhørere. Og med rapporten fra Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen som ble overlevert til regjeringen på mandagen under Arendalsuka som bakteppe, kunne debattene om mis- og desinformasjon knapt vært mer aktuelle.

Stavanger gets its own Media City - Mediebyen Stavanger

Stavanger Aftenblad and NRK Rogaland are co-locating in Mediebyen Stavanger. The agreement between the two major media players in Stavanger and the landlord Nytorget 1 AS has now been signed, and the work to bring more tenants into the building begins.

Stavanger får sin Medieby

Stavanger Aftenblad og NRK Rogaland flytter sammen i Mediebyen Stavanger. Avtalen mellom de to store medieaktørene i Stavanger og utleier Nytorget 1 AS er nå signert og arbeidet med å få inn flere leietakere i bygget starter.

Fake eller fakta? Og er det egentlig så farlig?

Klarer du å avsløre fake news? Da Russland invaderte Ukraina ble tusenvis av bilder og videoer spredd i rekordfart i sosiale medier. Mange unge fikk sitt møte med krig i sosiale medier i det som av flere ble omtalt som «Den første Tiktok-krigen». Men flere videoer viste seg å være falske, og svært vanskelig å avsløre.

Desinformasjon og falske nyheter truer sikkerhet og demokrati. Hva er løsningen?

Med krigen i Ukraina kom falske nyheter og desinformasjon nærmere oss. Falske nyheter og deep fake ble tidlig våpen i krigen, og falske videoer ble spredd i rekordfart – også her i Norge. Krigen og den geopolitiske krisen har dermed forsterket behovet for en samlet innsats mot falske nyheter og desinformasjon.

Er du overveldet av Arendalsukas rikholdige program? Her er våre tips.

Arendalsuka har hundrevis av arrangementer på programmet, og det kan være utfordrende å finne frem til de virkelige godbitene. Derfor har vi satt sammen en liste med våre håndplukkede favoritter relatert til media, demokrati, teknologi og innovasjon. Hvis arrangementene streames, er dette ofte nevnt på arrangementets hjemmeside.

Full conference hall and lively mingling at mcb tech .22

The first physical mcb tech .22 conference in three years was crowded with forward-leaning people ready for mingling and inspiration.

The MCB Village at IBC makes it possible to meet new consumers directly from Bergen and Oslo

The Media Cluster would like to present the entire cluster on this year's IBC.

The MCB Fact Conference debuted during Future Week 2022

The MCB Fact Conference gathered colleagues from across national borders in a common struggle against disinformation and "fake news."


Get to know the speakers of Future Week 24.


Get to know the speakers of Future Week 23.

This was Future Week 22

Forty events and several hundred talks later, we wrap up Future Week 2022 with a HUGE THANK YOU to all Media Cluster members. Have a look at what we achieved together.



The MCB Hack Conference gathered editorial nerds for a day of inspiration

Future Week 2022 opened with the second edition of MCB Hack on Tuesday, 7 June 2022. It’s an arena specifically designed for the geeks in the newsroom, but luckily, it’s open to everyone who wants to learn more about the intersection between journalism and technology.

Recordings Future Week 22

During Future Week several of the events were streamed for the audiences to be followed from other locations. Now you can watch the recordings here.

#UkraineFacts receives the first Anne Jacobsen’s Memorial Award

The truth is the first victim of the war, states the award committee. The Spanish fact-checking organization receives the prize on behalf of the #UkraineFacts.

Announcing the Anne Jacobsen´s Memorial award

Anne Jacobsen believed firmly in the need to fight disinformation, and she will now be honored with the establishment of the Memorial Award for an informed public debate, by NCE Media / Media City Bergen.

Oppretter Anne Jacobsens Minnepris

En av Anne Jacobsens viktigste fanesaker var bekjempelsen av den økende spredningen av desinformasjon. Nå hyller NCE Media/Media City Bergen sin tidligere leder ved å opprette en minnepris for et opplyst ordskifte.

Helge O. Svela is the new CEO of Media City Bergen

Media City Bergen is pleased to announce that Helge O. Svela (43) has been appointed as the organisation’s new CEO. Svela will start in the position on 1 September 2022.


Check out the stellar program of mcb tech .23.

Learn how to fight disinformation - at the first and unique MCB Fact conference

– Journalists should learn to make “the truth sandwich”, says Special Adviser at Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), Eskil Grendahl Sivertsen.

Leadership Innovation - a competence program developed by NHH and NCE Media

The successful NHH Executive competence program is finally back! Join this exclusive offer for leaders and managers in the cluster companies.

This is Future Week 22

Future Week is coming up during the second week of June, save the dates: 7 - 10 June 2022. Check out a few highlights here.

20 minutes on fighting disinformation

Every Friday from 10:00-10:20, we present a new talk in the series: 20 minutes on fighting disinformation.

Nordiske Mediedager x Media City Bergen / NCE Media

Nordiske Mediedager og Media City Bergen / NCE Media tilbyr både workshop og flere programposter i skjæringspunktet mellom teknologi og journalistikk under årets konferanse.

Meet the media tech innovators

Meet the selection of European media tech start-ups and scale-ups that are accepted into the second open call of the STADIEM acceleration programme.

MME comes to an end with great success

MediaMotorEurope, the programme that boosted the growth of 60+ European mediatech startups is coming to an end.

Marty Cagan chose Bergen for his first in person talk in two years

– I have made a brand new talk. Now I am trying it on you. Feel free to drop your feedback, Marty Cagan begins.


Bli kjent med foredragsholderne for Future Week 23.

Successfull first edition of the Vestland IoT Forum

Early risers with a passion for IoT enjoyed the first edition of the Vestland IoT Forum on Tuesday, 29 March 2022.

EBU Academy at Media City Bergen and TV2 to learn about artificial intelligence

Last week, The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) was visiting Media City Bergen and TV 2 to learn more about artificial intelligence (AI) and how TV 2 approaches AI in news and sports production.

Meet our new intern!

Andrea Opsvik is currently studying for a master’s degree in Innovation and Management at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. For the next ten weeks she will be getting to know the media cluster through her internship at NCE Media.

Marty Cagan to Media City Bergen 11 April 

Don't miss out on the opportunity to hear Marty Cagan share his insight and knowledge from the product development space!

Ragnar Christensen er Årets Ambassadør 2021 i Medieklyngen

Årets utsatte julefest gikk av stabelen 10. mars. Her ble det gjort nye bekjentskap, mulige nye samarbeid ble diskutert, og ikke minst ble det delt ut flere velfortjente priser.

Ragnar Christensen is the Media Cluster Ambassador of the Year


Are you our new CEO?


Upcoming activities in the Media Cluster

We are ramping up for a busy year in the Media Cluster. In the weeks and months to come, our members can engage in workshops, seminars, innovation collabs, and study tours. Also, Future Week is back in June with MCB Tech, MCB Hack - and a brand new conference: MCB Fact.

Eirik Solheim fra NRK Beta gjestet Datajournalistikknettverket

Eirik har utarbeidet et kurs som handler om forteller- og presentasjonsteknikk, og det er en 45-minutters spesialversjon av dette kurset vi får gleden av å oppleve her.

Launching new conference against disinformation

The spread of an increasing amount of disinformation and conspiracy theories online is becoming a significant problem. In the Norwegian Media Cluster, the members work together to develop competence and technology that can reduce the negative consequences and, at the same time, strengthen a sustainable democracy. – One of the most critical missions of our time, says the Media Cluster's CEO, Anne Jacobsen.

Lanserer ny konferanse mot desinformasjon

Spredningen av en økende mengde desinformasjon og konspirasjonsteorier er i ferd med å bli et betydelig samfunnsproblem. I medieklyngen jobber aktørene sammen for å utvikle kompetanse og teknologi som kan bremse denne utviklingen, og samtidig fremme et bærekraftig demokrati. – En av vår tids viktigste oppgaver, sier medieklyngens leder, Anne Jacobsen.

Anne Jacobsen satt dype spor

I syv år har klyngelederen stått i spissen for innovasjon, omstilling og endring i det norske medielandskapet.

Anne Jacobsen vil bli dypt savnet i hele den norske mediebransjen.

Hun var en av landets mest kompetente, engasjerte og kraftfulle forkjempere for medieinnovasjon, samarbeid og klok bruk av ny teknologi.



It is with deep sadness that we inform you about the passing of Mrs Anne Jacobsen, the CEO of Media City Bergen AS and Media Innovation Norway.


AI Learn: Enable business model innovation with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) radically transforms how companies create, deliver, and capture value. Norwegian Cognitive Center invites to a half-day conference on how to jump on the AI-train with full steam ahead.

Datajournalistikknettverket: R – Halvbra koding for halvstuderte røvere

Årets første møte i Datajournalistikknettverket.

Fund your next mediatech innovation project

Tech startups, scaleups, and SMEs accepted into the STADIEM acceleration program can secure up to 1,5 MNOK in funding. Apply now for STADIEMs second and final open call.

MCB Expo reached an international audience with innovations from the Norwegian Media Cluster

Nineteen of the Media Cluster Companies joined a packed audience in Oslo, Bergen and online to demonstrate their cutting-edge solutions for the media industry recently. MCB Expo was set up to respond to IBC in Amsterdam, The International Broadcasting Convention, being canceled due to Covid.

CommuRoom joins the Media Cluster

CommuRoom offers a self-service studio where you can be part of the presentation and communicate better with your audience. The solution is perfect for web conferences, live exhibitions, streaming, and informational videos.

Stimulating Young People's News Consumption With Facts

For six months, Media City Bergen and four member organisations collaborated with newsrooms worldwide to discover how AI can power storytelling. Here, the team shares their journey and their findings.

Time and Date joins the Media Cluster

We are thrilled to announce Time and Date as a new member of the Media Cluster. There are good chances that you have already used their product regularly – unaware that the company is Norwegian and located at Forus, just outside Stavanger's city center.

Demokrati på timeplanen

Det er viktig at elever får opplæring i demokratiske prosesser og kildekritikk på skolen. Dette er kompliserte tema som krever praktiske undervisningsopplegg med rom for kritisk refleksjon og dybdelæring. Metis elevene fikk bli med til Media City Bergen, hvor de fikk prøve ut demokrati i praksis.

New Tech Creates New Meeting Places

In the future, we need to travel less and have greener conversations. Nevertheless, we still need to interact, collaborate and meet, and we also need reliable, international meeting places for sales, demos, and business in the years to come. With the help of new technology, different arenas can be set up without anyone having to travel.

Gratulerer til UiB med 75-årsjubileet!

Universitetet i Bergen feirer denne uken sitt 75-årsjubileum, og vi stiller oss i rekken av gratulanter. Medieklyngen og UiB har i en årrekke hatt et tett og godt samarbeid. Her er noen høydepunkt fra klyngens historie sammen med UiB.

Ny teknologi skaper nye møteplasser

Vi skal reise mindre og vi skal leve grønnere. Likefullt, vi må samhandle, samarbeide og møtes, og vi trenger også i fremtiden gode, internasjonale arenaer for salg, demoer og business. Nå kan ny teknologi skape de nye møteplassene og salgsarenaene - uten at man trenger å forflytte seg.

Media Cluster CEO awarded the SMPTE Presidential Proclamation

The Media Cluster CEO, Anne Jacobsen, is selected by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) as the recipient of the 2021 SMPTE Presidential Proclamation. – An honor in which all Media Cluster members have an essential part, Jacobsen says.

Stiv Kuling arrangeres for andre gang

Spennende og variert program med fokus på aktualitet, fortellerformat og mangfold når Stavanger Journalistlag, i samarbeid med NCE Media, arranger halvdagskonferansen Stiv Kuling for andre gang.

Norwegian Cognitive Center lanserer et lavterskel tilbud innen kunstig intelligens

AI Industry Sandbox (AIS) er et helt nytt og vederlagsfritt tilbud for klyngemedlemmer som ønsker å utforske, utvikle og teste løsninger innenfor bruk av kunstig intelligens.

Future Week Recordings

Here you will find an overview of streamed and recorded events from Future Week 2021.

Qatar-diskusjonen i sentrum for Norges første sportskonferanse

Etiske dilemmaer, undersøkende journalistikk i sport, og den alltid aktuelle diskusjonen om sportsrettigheter var på agendaen da Norges første konferanse dedikert til sportsjournalistikk og -produksjon gikk av stabelen under Future Week i Media City Bergen nylig.

The delicate Qatar matter on the agenda for Norways first Sports Conference

Ethical dilemmas, investigative journalism in sports, and the never-ending story of sports rights were discussed as Norways´s very first conference dedicated to sports journalism and -production was set up as part of Future Week.

This was Future Week 21

You did this! 50 events and several hundred sessions later, we wrap up Future Week 2021 with a HUGE THANK YOU to all Media Cluster members. Have a look at what we achieved together.

Recordings 2021

Overview of streamed and recorded events from Future Week 21

Program Future Week 21

See the program from Future Week 21.

Your guide to Future Week

Let us help you to discover what's brewing!

Future Week Activities in Oslo

As a part of Future Week 2021, four events will take place live at Pressens Hus in Oslo on Monday, 27 September. Here is your schedule:

Streamed events

Here you will find an overview of streamed events.

Stor interesse for samlokaliseringsprosjektet i Stavanger

To aktører står helt i sluttfasen som aktuelle kandidater for å bygge medieklyngens nye hub i Stavanger. På medlemsmøte i Stavanger sist uke ble deltakerne presentert for både ambisjonene og prosjektene. – Vi går en veldig spennende tid i møte, sa Ragnar Christensen fra NRK.

Leadership without moral values is poor leadership

– Values make a clear and distinct difference when decisions are made and leadership is exercised. Efficiency and pride without moral values are dangerous.


Get to know the speakers of mcb tech .23. More speakers to be announced!

Media Cluster Members partnering with One Ocean Expedition

On 20 August 2021, the Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl departed from Arendal for a circumnavigation of the world. Several members of the media cluster, Mjoll, Scary Weather, and Screen Story, contribute to the expedition by creating and processing digital content from the journey.

Meet our new interns

We are happy to welcome NCE Media's new interns, Maria and Andreas! For the next seven weeks, they will get to know the cluster organization and our members.

Se de mest aktuelle debattene fra Arendalsuka

Arendalsuka er over for denne gang, men mange av de viktige debattene som ble gjennomført under uken lever videre.

New technology and tools are needed to fight fake news

The players behind fake news exercise increasingly sophisticated methods that are difficult to detect, and can harm and weaken our democracy. The development of new technology, tools, and solutions will be decisive in the race against those who want to influence the population with disinformation, said a heavy panel of experts and politicians during Media City Bergen's event at Arendalsuka.

Teknologiens rolle må styrkes i møte med falsk informasjon

Aktørene bak falsk informasjon benytter stadig mer sofistikerte metoder som bidrar til å svekke demokratiet. Utviklingen av ny teknologi kan bli avgjørende i kampen mot de som ønsker å påvirke befolkningen med desinformasjon, mente et tungt panel av eksperter og politikere under Media City Bergens arrangement på Arendalsuka.


See the program from Future Week 21.

Din guide til Arendalsuka

Vårt samfunn og demokrati utfordres av en økende mengde desinformasjon og manipulasjon på nett. "Dette er en stor og alvorlig trussel mot demokratiet", sa Utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide tidligere i år da hun gjestet medieklyngens konferanse i Oslo i mai. Vi fortsetter diskusjonen under Arendalsuka.

MediaMotorEurope's final open call winners

Media City Bergen welcomes Spectalix, Rumble Studio, Searchr, Movi, and Circulr, five of the top 20 deep-tech innovators selected for the third call of the MediaMotorEurope program (MME).


mcb tech, the future-focused conference for tomorrow's leaders.

Previous Speakers

See all the previous speakers at mcb tech.

Previous Program

See the line-ups and topics from the previous mcb tech conferences throughout the years.

This is Future Week 2021 – Save the dates 27 Sept - 1 Oct 2021

Future Week is coming up last week of September. Check out a few highlights here.

What news stories drives the most engagement?

Web64, one of the Media Cluster Startups, gives you the full overview. Have a look at the top list for the most shared news stories so far in 2021.

Europe opening for new funding opportunities

Horizon Europe, the new seven-year program for research and innovation in Europe, was launched on 22 June and opens for many new opportunities for the cluster and its members.

Klyngebedriftene omsetter for 16,3 milliarder årlig

Medieklyngens medlemmer genererer aktivitet tilsvarende en årlig omsetning på 16,3 milliarder. Det viser en fersk rapport fra Menon Economics. Rapporten beregner også sysselsettingseffekten fra klyngeaktivitetene til hele 11400 ansatte. "Ringvirkningene fra klyngens aktiviteter er betydelige", sier styreleder i klyngen, Håvard Myklebust.

16.3 Billion Turnover in the Media Cluster

The Media Cluster members generate activity equivalent to 16.3 billion in turnover per year, as shown in a new report from Menon Economics. The report also calculates the total employment level effects in the cluster to 11.400 employees. "The ripple effects from the cluster's activities are significant", says Haavard Myklebust, chair of the board.

Etablerer Norges første sportsjournalistikkonferanse

Under Future Week i Bergen fra 27. september - 1. oktober gjennomføres Norges aller første sportsjournalistikkonferanse. Hold av 30. september.

Launching Norway's first sports journalism conference

During Future Week from 27 September - 1 October, Norway's first sports journalism conference is being launched. Save the date: 30 September.

A record-breaking number of attendees for mcb tech .21

From more than 19 countries all over the world, the audience witness world-leading voices within the future of journalism, the future of democracy in the digital age, and the future with new technology and AI.

Future Peek - STADIEM

Meet some of Europe's most exciting scaleups with ingenious solutions for the media industry.

TV 2 rebrands to meet the future

The media landscape has changed dramatically since TV 2 was established in 1992. Over the soon-to-be 30 years, only minor changes have been added to TV 2s visual identity. Now, TV 2 suits up in a brand-new look and enters a new era.

Vizrt is revolutionizing video storytelling with NDI 5

Media Cluster Member Vizrt releases new NDI 5, a true revolution in video storytelling. For the first time in history, you can connect to any device, in any location, anywhere in the world.

100 members strong!

The Norwegian Media Cluster is thriving more than ever before.

– Desinformasjon og falske nyheter er en stor og alvorlig trussel mot demokratiet

Dette sa utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søriede, da Media City Bergen inviterte Norges fremste eksperter til konferanse om desinformasjon og falske nyheter.

Two Media Cluster Members selected for STADIEM

It is a great pleasure to announce that Visualyst and Web64, two of our cluster members, have been selected for the EU-founded STADIEM program (Startup Driven Innovation in European Media).

Meet the start-ups selected for the match phase

STADIEM’s first Open Call, which closed on March 31st, attracted more than 400 startups in the European media sector, leading to over 200 applications that were evaluated to finally select 41 solutions to go on to the match-making phase.

Gear up for Future Week in September

Save the dates; 27 Sept - 1 Oct 2021. We are opening up our Media City headquarters for Future Week. You are all free to attend more than 50 different events this week, and most of them are FREE and open to all. And for the first time, there will also be Future Week events in Oslo and Stavanger.

How will we communicate post covid? The ten lessons we learned the last year

Just as we used to before, obviously, but still – so different. In only one year, we have seen a forced development and innovation that has pushed digital and virtual communication to new heights, culminating last week as His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon of Norway visited California on the first-ever virtual state visit, live-streamed from both Norway and San Francisco.

Et nerdete forum for klyngens datajournalister

MCB JoLab: Datajournalistikknettverket er en ny satsing for datajournalister og redaksjonelle utviklere som ligger under MCB JoLab-paraplyen. Målet er å opprette et felles faglig forum der erfaringsdeling og kompetanseheving står i fokus.

Media City Bergen accepted into the JournalismAI Challenge

– An important and interesting project, and a unique opportunity to work together with leading international publishers, says Lars Helle, Editor in Chief in Stavanger Aftenblad. They will be part of the Norwegian team from the Media Cluster, in good company with The Guardian, Deutsche Welle, Sveriges Radio, and others. The teams will work together to create new tools for the future newsroom.

Medieklyngen tatt opp i det internasjonale JournalismAI-prosjektet

– Et utrolig viktig og interessant prosjekt, og en stor mulighet til å jobbe sammen med internasjonalt ledende mediehus, sier Lars Helle, Sjefredaktør i Stavanger Aftenblad, som nå skal delta som en del av det norske teamet fra medieklyngen. Internasjonale mediehus som The Guardian, Deutche Welle og Sveriges Radio er også tatt opp i programmet, og sammen skal teamene jobbe det neste halve året for å skape nye redaksjonelle verktøy.

A Virtual Royal Visit from Norway to California, Courtesy of Myreze

Exciting new technology, a green screen, and cluster member Myreze with a groundbreaking virtual solution. This is the combination necessary to teleport HRH Crown Prince Haakon to a virtual conference with Nancy Pelosi and leaders in government, industry, and academia in California to debate topics of national interests. – The proudest moment in my entire life, says CEO & Founder of Myreze, Björn Myreze.


You cannot miss out on the spectacular program at mcb tech .21

Agenda Vestlandet to assign 9 MNOK in support to Norwegian Cognitive Center

– Artificial Intelligence is hitting the businesses with the strength of a gale-force wind from the Atlantic. We support Norwegian Cognitive Center so that corporations can hoist their sails and stay in the digitalization race, says Siren Sundland, Chair of Agenda Vestlandet and Executive Vice President at Sparebanken Vest.

Innovation Leadership - for cluster companies​

The great success developed by NHH Executive and NCE Media/Media City Bergen is finally back. We invite you to join our exclusive offer for the cluster companies. The NHH Executive competence program is developed for leaders and innovation managers in cluster companies. The program will start in October 2021 and it is a pleasure to announce that the program will take place in the Jebsen Center at NHH.

Write your next chapter with MME

Are you a deep-tech innovator with solutions for the media and creative industries? The MediaMotorEurope mentoring program is looking for you! Apply to the last open call by 27 May.

Engagement and performance during Covid-19

Masters students at BI Norwegian Business School are researching cluster companies' strategies to maintain and develop employee engagement and employee performance during Covid-19, and they need your help!

Are you a media innovator looking for funding?

Apply now for STADIEMs first open call! Tech startups, scaleups, and SMEs accepted into the STADIEM program can secure up to 1,5 MNOK in funding.

Welsh and Norwegian media clusters collaborate

The two rapidly growing media clusters - Clwstwr in Cardiff and Media City Bergen - launches a partnership to connect the two clusters. The clusters will collaborate on a range of joint activities to connect creatives and media businesses in both regions to share skills, expertise and knowledge.

Media City Bergen to partner with Rebel

This will provide for many new opportunities for the two hubs members in Oslo and Bergen, including access to useful resources, joint events, and networks.

Kickoff in Nordic 5G Consortium

- I am happy to see so much competence of such high quality in the group, as well as the participants' willingness to take on the challenges and tasks that lie ahead, says Lunde, one of the initiators of N5GC.

Fædrelandsvennen joins the Media Cluster

- An important and right step for us, says Anders Kulien in Fevennen, who looks forward to getting involved in the cluster's various projects.

Har du ideen for fremtidens journalistikk?

”Digital innovasjon i nordiske medier” er et nytt kurs for deg som har et konsept eller en idé som kan utgjøre en forskjell, beholde brukere, utfolder seg på mobil – og som brukerne vil betale for!

Are you ready to take the next step?

Media Cluster member HVL now offers their Master's program in innovation and entrepreneurship part-time. You can now combine work with studies and add essential innovation expertise to your workplace!

Vellykket workshop med Henk van Ess

– Jeg fikk en fin «aha-opplevelse» på hvor mye info det ligger i et bilde, og nyttig kunnskap om hvordan man bør tenke og lete etter spor og svar.

Nytt nettverk for datajournalister

MCB Journalism Lab: En gang pr måned fremover, med oppstart 18. februar, vil du kunne logge deg på medieklyngens nye nettverk for redaksjonelle utviklere og datajournalister.

TEDx goes virtual with groundbreaking studio by Myreze

When the The TEDx Bærekraftige liv conference decided to move online, Myreze created an instantly recognizable and uniquely special virtual studio, evoking a larger-than-life visual experience with the stage itself seemingly floating over one of Mount Ulriken’s cliff falls.

Visual Futures of the Media

The theme for this year’s ViSmedia conference was new emergent technologies in the news media - focusing on news surveillance from above, deepfakes and learning in immersive environments. Get a quick recap here!

See what's happening in the Media Cluster this spring

We have some eventful and exciting months ahead in the Norwegian Media Cluster, filled with activities, seminars, workshops, and courses - See what's on the agenda this spring!

Ketil Moland Olsen and Charlotte Vindenæs joins the MCB team

We are thrilled and excited to welcome Ketil Moland Olsen as our new Senior Project Manager and Charlotte Vindenæs as Events and Communications Manager. Both join the cluster organization on 1 April, 2021.

Vizrt pivots to Flexible Access

On 19 January Media Cluster member Vizrt launched a complete revision of their product offering to meet shifting demands of today’s media landscape. With Flexible Access, media producers can access several Vizrt Solution Suites on-site or through the cloud with a subscription plan, reducing the need for investments.

The Norwegian Media Cluster certified for new Cluster Program

In February last year, The Norwegian Media Cluster was awarded the coveted European Gold Label for Cluster Excellence. Furthermore, in November last year, Innovation Norway certified NCE Media for the new cluster program "Mature Clusters," stating our position as a world-leading innovation cluster.

2020: The Media Cluster excelled in a challenging year

2020 has been a very special and different year for all of us, but the Media Cluster companies continue their high pace of innovation and achievement even in challenging times.

Vizrt - The Election Story

An estimated 4 billion people were watching the U.S. election coverage powered by Vizrt tools this fall. Over the years, elections have become a media spectacle and a time when broadcasters are truly experimenting and innovating.

Olav Sandnes is the Media Cluster Ambassador of the Year

The Media Cluster is truly unique, said the Media Cluster Ambassador of the Year 2020, Olav T. Sandnes.

Ønsker du å sikre deg et lite stykke medieklyngehistorie?

Medieklyngen er 10 år i år, og i den anledning har vi selvsagt laget jubileumsbok! Boken om NCE Media er en perfekt julegave til ansatte eller samarbeidspartnere.

Innovation Leadership: A competence program for cluster companies

Exclusive offer for cluster companies: Join the NHH Executive competence program for leaders and innovation managers in the Media Cluster. The program will start February 2021.

Four startups from the Media Cluster selected for the MediaMotorEurope programme

It’s a pleasure to announce that Visualyst, Factiverse, Scriptix and GlobalM, our Media Cluster members, have all been selected for the 2nd support cycle in the EU funded programme MediaMotorEurope.

4 billion people will be watching Vizrt graphics on election night

More stories, better told. And these are the stories that really matter. Come election night, media outlets all over the world will be using media tech and tools from Vizrt and the Norwegian Media Cluster.

Global tech company Evertz invests big in Media Cluster member Sixty

This means that Sixty´s product Ease Live, now separated into its own company, will be deeply integrated with Evertz cloud production solutions for the benefit of its live sports, live events, and linear to customers all over the world. - A day to celebrate, says CEO of Sixty, Kjetil Horneland.
16.10.20 joins the Media Cluster

We are pleased to welcome as the latest addition to the Media Cluster.

Meet the Media Cluster Advisory Board

– The value the cluster creates is the sum of the work the community puts in, says Ketil Moland Olsen, Head of the Media Cluster Advisory Board. He has been heavily involved in the advisory board since it was founded five years ago.

Mobica is the Media Cluster's newest associate member

Mobica is a global software engineering provider delivering tailored, next-generation digital technology solutions. Their technical expertise, on-shore and near-shore capacity and scalable resourcing model enables them to deliver outstanding commercial outcomes for some of the world’s leading businesses.

VUU changes how we watch our favorite movies and TV series

VUU, the Norwegian Media Cluster's newest member, has launched a brand new technology that delivers bonus material, unique content, and sought-after trivia, directly to viewers in real time as they are watching movies and TV shows.

Dagens Næringsliv joins the Media Cluster

Dagens Næringsliv has recently been through a major restructuring, and has launched several innovation and development initiatives. To further accelerate digital development the media house now joins the Media Cluster as a member.

GlobalM joins the Media Cluster

GlobalM provides a solution for crowdsourcing news / sports content, and specializes in advanced streaming technologies for Sports, News, Business, Culture and Entertainment.

Are you a deeptech innovator with solutions for the media and creative industries? Apply now for MediaMotorEurope!

MediaMotorEurope (MME), a mentoring programme supported by Startup Europe, is looking for high-potential European deeptech innovators who can target today’s most relevant media industry challenges.

Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen kommer til Media City Bergen

Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen er nedsatt av regjeringen for å utforske hvordan det står til med ytringsfriheten i Norge i dag, og komme med forslag til tiltak som kan gjøre den enda bedre.

Einar Kaslegard joins the Media City Bergen team

The cluster organization is excited to welcome Einar Kaslegard as the new Project Manager for EU projects.

DN nytt medlem i medieklyngen

Dagens Næringsliv har vært gjennom en stor omstilling, og har tatt store innovasjons- og utviklingsgrep den siste tiden. Nå melder mediehuset seg inn i medieklyngen for å ytterligere sette fart på den digitale utviklingen.

Meet our new intern

Johannes Lien is currently studying for a degree in Master of Science in business, with a major in Leadership and Change at the BI Norwegian Business School. Johannes will spend his internship in the Media Cluster for the next eight weeks.

SpeakLab granted 2,8 MNOK to create next level webinar

Media Cluster member SpeakLab has been granted 2,8 million NOK in funding from Innovation Norway to take webinars and online courses to a higher level.

This was mcb tech .20

Innovation is change, or at least, innovation requires change. As the pandemic situation continued to evolve, mcb tech had to move online. Using technology and tools from the Norwegian Media Cluster, a virtual studio was built to facilitate the conference in this extraordinary situation.

See what's happening in the Media Cluster this autumn

We have some exciting months ahead in the Norwegian Media Cluster - check out the highlights here.

7 Questions Between 7 Mountains

During the aftermath of Covid-19’s effect on the media industry, Myreze explored ways to expand on its range of virtual services and created a platform for a series of shows aimed to start an inspiring conversation together with Bergen’s most successful creatives.

Media companies push AI innovation

Media companies have strong desire and motivation to apply AI in their new solutions. This is reinforced by forces in the technological environment that are pushing for change. On the other hand, forces in the institutional environment are slowing down the degree of adoption due to the high awareness of dealing with responsible and ethical AI, which is necessary to maintain credibility.

UiB and Media City Bergen awarded SFI Centre for Research-based Innovation

The University of Bergen and the Norwegian Media Cluster has been awarded a SFI Centre for Research-based Innovation from the Norwegian Research Council. The center MediaFutures will develop responsible media technology and innovation targeting the next generations of media users.

The Weather Channel becomes the first Virtual revolutionary TV-Channel

Following last month's announcement of a large rebranding project with the Saudi broadcaster Al Arabiya, Myreze from the Norwegian Media Cluster has released details on yet another impressive project. This time with The Weather Channel, received by approx. 80 million households in the U.S.

Lytt invited to pitch as one of five European startups at the Silicon Valley Women´s Startuplab

Linn Dyveke Wilberg, the founder of Lytt, has been selected to be part of an exclusive selection of startups that will pitch to investors, entrepreneurs and influencers around the world, in a 30 minutes online pitching session on 18 June.

The Norwegian Media Cluster Awarded EU Funding to Boost Emerging Tech

The project STADIEM will develop incubators and accelerators across Europe. Startups that will be accepted to the program can secure up to 1,7 MNOK in funding.

Boosting Industries and Sustainability Through AI and Collaboration

To power innovation and deep tech projects, the Norwegian Cognitive Center can be just what the doctor ordered, as society emerges from the Covid 19 global pandemic.

Are you a deeptech innovator with solutions for the media and creative industries? Apply now for MediaMotorEurope!

MediaMotorEurope (MME), a mentoring programme supported by Startup Europe, is looking for 20 high-potential European deeptech innovators who can target today’s most relevant media industry challenges.

Meet our interns

It's time to introduce NCE Media's new interns – Vilde and Marianne!

Record number of applications for the University of Bergen in MCB

Sky high interest for the Department of Information Science and Media Studies' programmes in Media City Bergen.

May 5-6: IBM Think goes online, and you can join.

Amal Clooney, Imogen Heap and Mayim Bialik will all be speaking at the IBM Think 2020 Conference. And you can join - for free!

– Never despair - a crisis is an opportunity

Show & Tell is the most popular social arena and event for the Norwegian Media Cluster, only open to members, and showcases the latest innovations from the cluster members. For the first time ever Show & Tell moved online. One of the cases presenting was Scary Weather, a small startup highly affected by the corona crisis, but successfully shifted their focus to new markeds and opportunities.

Vizr.TV: Rapid evolution to the cloud

No doubt the corona situation puts companies in a difficult situation. But most of the Media Cluster Companies excel in digital communication, even when you need to set up your own TV channel in a couple of days to reach your customers. Read the story from Chris Black, Head of Brand and Content in Vizrt, on how Vizr.TV was born.

Media Cluster Tools to help with digital communications and remote production

The corona virus not only puts life and health at risk, but also jeopardizes large parts of the business community as well as public operations. For those who need to obtain critical operations, share and distribute important information or try to maintain some sort of "business as usual", most meetings, teamwork and productions now need to be done remote and on digital platforms.

Din komplette guide til norske krise- og tiltakspakker

I samarbeid med Innovasjon Norge, Vestland fylkeskommune, Bergen kommune, Sparebanken Vest og Norges forskningsråd inviterte NCE Media til webinar med guide til aktuelle krisepakker. Se webinaret i opptak her.

NCE Media wins pre-project grant to develop Katapult

NCE Media is granted NOK 200.000 from SIVA to research and explore the foundation for a national Katapult for Industrial Service Development.


We are proven for Cluster Excellence! The Norwegian Media Cluster is awarded the coveted European Gold Label, as we join rank with the European clusters of the highest standard.

Stavanger will have their "Media City"

The media industry in Stavanger, Norway, is one step closer to co-locating in the city center as Mediafarm, Mediability, Screen Story, NRK Rogaland and Stavanger Aftenblad sign a Letter of Intent to build a new “Media City”. The project is also supported by Lyse.

mcb tech .20 and Future Week postponed

It is with a heavy heart that we have to announce the postponement of the 2020 mcb tech conference and Future Week. The events were to be held in June in Bergen, Norway, but is now postponed indefinitely.

Norwegian Cognitive Center

The Norwegian Cognitive Center builds competence on AI cross industries and public sector, by training AI platforms on new industries and problems, and by laying the foundation for new research and knowledge. NCE Media is the initiator and primary driving force.

Everviz - the latest spinoff in the Media Cluster

BERGEN, NORWAY March 1, 2020: Highsoft, the leading provider of charting solutions for web and developers, is pleased to announce the creation of a subsidiary Visual Elements AS, which will take over the development and management of Highsoft’s “Highcharts Cloud” service.

The Norwegian Media Cluster Celebrates Ten Years

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Huge congratulations to all the fantastic Media Cluster Members and friends on the ten year anniversary. From 2010 until today the cluster has created thousands of new jobs, groundbreaking innovations, international successes - and an awesome cluster family.

Media City Bergen companies pitch ideas for master projects

In Media City Bergen, master students can collaborate with companies such as TV 2 Digital, NRK, Vimond, Bergens Tidende, Mjoll and Everviz.

What's the Deal with Snapchat?

Why have 2,5 million Norwegians downloaded the app, and how is Snapchat changing our social interactions?

IBC and NAB: Highway to international markets

The Norwegian Media Cluster focuses heavy on internationalization. On global arenas such as the trade shows IBC in Amsterdam and NAB in Las Vegas, we can provide our members a highway into international markets.

Study Tours

As a Media Cluster member or associate you can join the many different study tours organised by NCE Media. Most study tours are free of charge.


What is Future Week?

Venue Information

An overview of everything you need to know about the venues for Future Week.

Get to know the speakers


About mcb tech

mcb tech, the future-focused conference for tomorrow's leaders.

Ketil Moland Olsen is the Media Cluster Ambassador of the Year

– The Media Cluster as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts, said the Media Cluster Ambassador of the Year 2019, Ketil Moland Olsen.

Joint effort on editorial competence and innovation

The Norwegian media industry joins forces as NCE Media launches Media City Bergen Journalism Lab (JoLab) to increase media innovation and build competence for the newsroom of the future.

New Executive Program in Innovation and Leadership

The Norwegian Media Cluster is pleased to announce a collaboration with NHH, the Norwegian School of Economics, and their Executive department (NHHE), resulting in the launch of a new short program in innovation and leadership.

Årsrapport 2019 - Media Innovation Norway

Vi legger bak oss nok et spennende år for medieklyngen og Media Innovation Norway.

The Norwegian Media Cluster Wins EU Funding for AI

The Media Cluster has been appointed one of four core environments for AI expertise in Europe. – An important recognition of the cluster capabilities and competence, says Haavard Myklebust, chair of the Media Cluster Board.

Humanoid robot prototypes on show at Media City Bergen

This semester, master's students at Media and Interaction Design at UiB are undergoing a course on how to make interactive robots. The students were challenged to invent a communicative purpose for a robot – which sparked some excellent ideas!

Future Week & mcb tech

It is with a heavy heart that we have to announce the postponement of the 2020 mcb tech conference and Future Week.

How UK media are facing future challenges

Earlier this month, a delegation from the Norwegian Media Cluster went to Cardiff and London to meet with several media and tech companies, including BBC, Amplyfi, ITV, as well as leading academic institutions.

Celebrating Female Leaders

INNOVATORS CIRCLE: – Transparency breeds trust. As a matter of principle, it is demanding, but transparency as value is essential to succeed as a leader in demanding situations, said Sarah C. J. Willand (Head of Communication and Organization) as she recently spoke about her TV2 management role in front of the media cluster’s network of business leaders.

The World to Media City Bergen

Last week, cluster member HoloCap pitched their solution to Horizons Ventures, one of the leading global investment funds in the world.

Learn from the best in Cardiff & London!

Would you like to visit what will become one of the most technologically advanced broadcasting centres in Europe, experience Europe's first immersive cross-disciplinary space for 360º cinema, or deep dive into the concepts of Artificial Intelligence with leading British startup companies?

Innovation Leadership: A competence program for cluster companies

Join our info meeting about NHH Executive's new competence program for leaders and innovation managers in cluster companies.

Justin Ferrell to hold Design Thinking Masterclasses for the Norwegian Media Cluster

It is a pleasure to announce that renowned Design Thinking expert Justin Ferrell is coming to Bergen and Stavanger for two separate masterclasses together with the Norwegian Media Cluster.

One of the worlds largest VC funds looks to Bergen

– I’m thrilled that Horizons Ventures - a fund that has helped build some of the most successful companies in the world - has chosen Norway and Bergen for this years gathering, says Silje Vallestad, organizer of one of the most exiting events of the year.

Get ready for an eventful autumn in the Media Cluster

We are now in the midst of preparing the coming months in the Media Cluster – with highlights like study tours to IBC Amsterdam and London / Cardiff, and an innovation workshop with Dan Olsen.

Meet the Norwegian Media Cluster at IBC

IBC Hall 8, Booth C10: 13 of the Media Cluster companies will be at the Media City Bergen Pavillion at IBC, a joint stand showcasing world class media tech innovations and solutions from Media City Bergen.

Study Tour: Join NCE Media to visit IBC in Amsterdam

In 2018, the Norwegian Media Cluster set up its own stand at IBC in Amsterdam for the first time; The Media City Bergen Pavilion. Now, you can join for a study tour, and get a first hand experience of whats going on at Europe’s largest media technology trade show.

Launching a Cognitive Center in Bergen

Industry clusters in the Bergen region, the City of Bergen, Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry, VIS Innovation, Helse Vest and several of the academic institutions in Bergen are now joining forces to establish a national center for cognitive technologies with IBM as the technology partner. The ambition is to raise expertise and competence in artificial intelligence.

This was Future Week 2019

An estimated 3000+ people attended the more than 50 events and workshops during the Media City Bergen Future Week. - We are proud, we are humble, we are moved beyond words by what the Media Cluster family have created and delivered, says Anne Jacobsen, Media Cluster CEO.

– People know when to break the rules, but machines don’t

What are machine ethics? How can we teach a robot the differences between right and wrong? UiB Associate Professor Marija Slavkovik explains this complicated concept.

NCE Media Establishes Satellite in Stavanger

– We have looked forward to this day, and are pleased that the Stavanger cluster now formally is a part of the National Media Cluster, NCE Media, says Ragnar Christensen, District Editor in NRK Rogaland.

Venue Information

An overview of everything you need to know about the venues for mcb tech and the afterparty.

Venue Information

An overview of everything you need to know about the venues for Future Week.

Venue Information

An overview of everything you need to know about the venues for Future Week.


What is Future Week?

Om Future Week

Hva er Future Week

Program Future Week 19

See the program from Future Week 19.

1 million NOK to UiB startup Spellbound

The Norwegian Research Council has awarded the student company Spellbound with NOK 1 million from the STUD-ENT program.

Future Week; Discover what’s brewing

Come one, come all - From Bergen, Norway, Scandinavia, or around the Globe! Media City Bergen, home to the Norwegian Media Cluster, opens its doors to the city and the world for Future Week on June 11-14, and welcomes anyone to attend the more than 50 events - most of them FREE - hosted inside the world's most advanced campus for media and technology.

The Media City Bergen effect: Record number of applicants for UiB's study programmes

The University of Bergen is seeing a massive increase in the number of applicants to the new masters and bachelor’s programs at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies

Limelight Networks takes home two awards

Media Cluster Associate Member Limelight Networks was recognized by the industry experts with no less than two awards at the 2019 NAB Show in Las Vegas.

Vizrt acquires NewTek and releases Viz Engine 4

It was called one of the biggest disruptive moves in decades, when the news about Vizrt's acquisition of NewTek broke just in time for NAB 2019. With NewTek onboard, Vizrt is now creating the largest company in the broadcast space dedicated to enabling IT-based video production.

IBM and NCE Media hosted networking event in Las Vegas

Around 100 executives from the worlds leading media and IT-companies joined the Norwegian Media Cluster and IBM´s networking event in Las Vegas as a start to a busy NAB week.

Wolftech sets up their first own stand at NAB

After having co-located with Vimond at their NAB stand for for many years, Wolftech is for the first time featuring their own stand at the 2019 NAB Show

Vizrt-Chris dazzled crowd at NAB with a Ferrari

In an all-new AR show, the largest augmented reality show at NAB, Las Vegas, Vizrt’s Chris Black today impressed the crowd showing a photo-realistic graphic version of a Ferrari GTO from the stage.

TV 2 Norway on stage at worlds largest media convention in Las Vegas

Last year, TV 2 Norway launched Europe’s first IP-based playout center. At the NAB Show in Las Vegas, TV 2 went on stage to tell how they also built a multisite and multivendor Video-Over-IP-based broadcast facility in only 6 months. TV 2´s solution now attracts global attention.

Spinoffs from Fonn Group attracts global attention

Fonn Group, the majority owner of Mediability, continues the entrepreneurial Media Cluster tradition of spinning out new companies.

Meet our new interns

We are delighted to introduce you to Martine and Runa, our new interns at NCE Media. They are studying for a master’s degree in Innovation and Management at The Western Norway University of Applied Science (HVL), and will spend their internship in the Media Cluster for the next 10 weeks.

First evaluation meeting of European network of broadcast sandboxes held in Bergen

The first evaluation meeting of Sandbox Hub was held on the 28th and 29th March at Media City Bergen. The purpose was to strengthen the cooperation between sandboxes and sharing of organizations and practices.

The ViSmedia Conference: We are being watched, also in our offline lives

We have learned to live with constant surveillance of everything we do online. But now, AI-powered technology is making its way into our physical world, influencing our personal sphere, and tracking our offline activities so discreetly that we barely notice it.

- Why do you want to be a leader?

Around fifty of Bergen’s top business executives participated in a leadership seminar in MCB Media Lab last week on invitation from the Media Cluster's "Innovators Circle" program. - A truly inspiring evening, said the CEO of Rainfall, Morten Lied.

A solution for kids’ transportation safety won the Media Lab hackathon

A total of 40 students and creative people attended the two-day hackathon where the goal was to create new and innovative solutions for the future of sustainable mobility.

Sparks fly: Media students meet industry

- We want young people, and we want your opinions! Liv Skotheim, Opinion Editor at Bergens Tidende could not be clearer. She was one of many media professionals who came to meet students at the Media Festival co-organized by Metis, Bergen Private Gymnas (BPG) and NCE Media. (Photo: Martin Egset-Linneke)

Record attendance for the SVG Nordic Summit 2019 in Media City Bergen

"The SVG Nordic Summit is a fantastic opportunity for media professionals in the region to gather, connect and learn from each other in a way that has not been possible in the past,” says Anne Jacobsen, CEO of NCE Media.

- You need to listen to your audience

- If you don’t know who these influencers are, and who the popular youtubers are, you need to educate yourself. Otherwise you will not stay on top, and you will not succeed in connecting with the youth audience.

Roy Tore Lysen Jensen joins the NCE Media team

NCE Media is excited to welcome Roy Tore Lysen Jensen as our new Project Manager.

NCE Finance Innovation and NCE Media appoints shared EU advisor

Our Project Manager, Kristoffer Hammer, has now stepped into the role as EU advisor for both NCE Media and sister cluster, NCE Finance Innovation. He will be working closely with cluster members to identify relevant EU calls and produce top-notch applications for project funding.

2018 - in review

A year with a flurry of activities, with 150+ official visits to the Media Cluster, including Presidents and Royalty. 30 prestigious awards. 19 new spin-offs. More than 100 members. This is the results from the Norwegian Media Cluster, as we conclude a successful 2018.

TV 2 awards scholarships to four student projects

TV 2 awarded a total of NOK 100.000 to master students from the department of Information and Media Science at the University of Bergen (UiB) during a ceremony at Media City Bergen last week. The scholarship is part of their ongoing commitment to supporting new media talents.

SVG Nordic Summit 2019

On March 7 2019, the Nordic Summit will bring together broadcasting expertise from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden - and beyond - to debate the most pressing production, operational and technical issues faced by the European sports television industry.

Limelight Networks joins the Norwegian Media Cluster

Limelight Networks is a global content delivery network provider that specializes in quick, reliable and secure distribution of customers’ data anywhere on the planet. Now, the forward leaning and future-focused company joins the Media Cluster as an Industry Associate member.

Grethe Hjetland is the Media Cluster Ambassador of 2018

The Highsoft CEO received the award at the annual Media Cluster Christmas Special in the Media Lab.

Electric Friends wins contract with Swiss Broadcasting Corporation

Media Cluster member company Electric Friends beat the competition in a tender with Switzerland’s main broadcaster SRF, and secures their biggest contract to date.

Philosophy meets technology at UiB student demo

Master's students at Media and Interaction Design at the University of Bergen have deep dived into speech recognition, and presented their own applications.

Can a tech conference be a life changing experience?

We went to Brussels to find out.

- A different and unique conference

- We are proud to launch mcb tech .19, with a stellar lineup of world class speakers, says Anne Jacobsen (CEO, NCE Media) and Atle Sivertsen (CEO, NCE Finance Innovation)


Below you will find the lineup for mcb tech – stay tuned for more speaker announcements.

Marty Cagan and David Carroll to mcb tech

David Carroll, the US professor taking on Cambridge Analytica in the UK courts, and Marty Cagan, writer of the bestselling book "Inspired: How To Create Tech Products Customers Love" will both be at mcb tech .19. Get your early bird ticket now.

How are US media companies dealing with the challenges of tomorrow?

In November, a delegation from the Media Cluster traveled to New York to meet and learn from the world’s most forward leaning media and tech companies, including Turner, Vice, Adobe, IBM Watson and several others.

Students invite media companies, top politicians for live streamed debate

- The students run everything, from manning the live stream cameras to moderating the debate. We just keep in the background, ready to catch them if they fail, says teacher and co-organizer Erik Aarebrot at the Metis High School.

BI Bergen’s new masters program is set to tackle media industry challenges

BI Bergen’s new masters program is developed in close collaboration with NCE Media and other clusters. Here, students will be equipped to lead, and manage rapid change.

- The future of news reporting is live, flawed, and authentic

When Yusuf Omar was rejected as a foreign correspondent on the basis of being too young and inexperienced, he decided to hitchhike all the way to Syria, to cover the war on his own terms. From there, he has managed to carve out his own niche as a pioneer in mobile journalism, rising to the top ranks of CNN before venturing out on his own. This week, he visited Bergen to teach local media professionals about new storytelling formats.


PROGRAM: All keynotes, presentations, and sessions at mcb tech .19 will be listed here.


There will be parallel sessions all over Media City Bergen during MCB Future Week (June 11-14). Most sessions are free and open to everyone, but some will require registration (marked with "Reg. for" Sessions in Norwegian are marked (NO). All other sessions are in English. With the exception of the mcb tech conference Thursday, and the Product Discovery Workshop on Friday, everything is free and open to all.

Fana Sparebank blazes new trails and joins the Media Cluster as a Business Associate Member

Fana Sparebank takes the business of banking into new directions. Through the application of new technology, new tools and an array of exciting solutions, the bank has released one digital innovation after another.

MovieMask launches AR headset

The people behind successful startup MovieMask have unveiled their brand new AR headset, MagiMask. The new mask turns any mobile phone into an immersive AR experience, and is set to speed up the AR revolution.

– It was referred to as an «iPhone-moment»

– When introducing the camera robots for the very first time to a global market at IBC last year, industry leaders called it an «iPhone-moment», says Anders Tomren, CEO of Electric Friends, in a new video showcasing the power of Western Norway.

London Calling!

A strong presence in the UK market is desired by the Media Cluster companies. Over the last year the likes of Motitech, Mediability, TicketCo, and Sixty have all established offices in London to expand their businesses and broaden their access to both suppliers and customers. We had a chat with Sixty CEO, Kjetil Horneland, on their recent expansion.

Members FREE: Study Tour to NYC during the US midterm elections

Join NCE Media's study tour to NYC and visit some of the world’s most forward leaning tech companies, including Turner, Vice, Unacast, IBM Watson and several others. You will also get a tour of Madison Square Garden's full-scale television production facility, and of course, an American-style “election night”.

«BRA SENDING» launched in Bergen

Western Norway is getting their own TV-channel by and for people with mental disabilities. Cluster member TV BRA will broadcast a monthly magazine format show through their website. The very first show aired during the launch and celebration at MCB September 13. (Photo: TV Bra)

The MCB Village at IBC open for business

– The Norwegian media industry is at the absolute forefront of broadcast and media tech innovation, said Kristianne Paasche, Special Adviser Innovation Norway, at the opening of the first Media City Village at the IBC – the biggest media tech exhibition in Europe.

Hubro – a result of IBM's collaboration with the Media Cluster

Hubro, a Watson powered chatbot, is the first result of the partnership between Media Lab partner IBM and the University of Bergen to develop the technological solutions of the future.

Noroff joins the Media Cluster

Summer is over, and NCE Media kickstarts the new semester by welcoming a new member - Noroff School of Technology and Digital Media.

Wolftech signs with BBC

(Photo: BBC) The Media Cluster company has signed a contract with the world's largest broadcaster, the BBC. Between 8,000 and 12,000 BBC News journalists and production staff around the globe will use Wolftech News.

Media City Bergen to expo at IBC in Amsterdam

For the very first time, Media City Bergen will have its own pavilion at the upcoming IBC show in Amsterdam with key companies in The Norwegian Media Cluster. Deputy Mayor, City of Bergen, Julie Andersland, will conduct the official opening.

UTLYSNING: Konkurranse for anbefaling av prosjekter til Innovasjon Norge

Send inn din prosjektskisse og få den spesielt anbefalt av NCE Media, i konkurranse om prosjektmidler til forprosjekter og prototyping. Den tidligere Innovasjonsrammen er erstattet av en ordning (med samme navn) hvor NCE Medias panel kan anbefale prosjekter i konkurranse til INs utlysning 15. september.

– Don't get Lost in Fluff

The message from Professor Richard Rumelt was clear. In front of a packed house, the renowned strategy thought leader, business professor and author gave a powerful conference keynote talk at the inaugural mcb tech .18 conference.

The name is PATRIOT!

Watson has its finger on the pulse of Bergen. 7 Fjell brewery used the results from the IBM Watson analysis of the Bergen people, to create the Media Lab Artificial Intelligence Retro New England Pale Ale.

Substantial Growth within the Media Industry in Bergen

The media industry in the Bergen, Norway area consistently generates better results than the industry throughout the country. Member companies in the Norwegian Media Cluster are part of a strong and dynamic ecosystem, that grows faster, sells more, and contribute more to economic growth and value creation than the norwegian media industry as a whole.

Deloitte moves in to Media City Bergen

At long last, one of the Media Lab’s main partners has arrived in the Media Cluster’s headquarters. 150 Deloitte employees will work in the same building alongside with over a thousand others in the world’s most progressive media industry ecosystem.

Futuristic Tapas on the menu for mcb tech .18

– For a conference about the future, it seemed only natural to experiment a bit with futuristic foods for the menu, says Chef Kasper Vigsø Bye.

State Visit to Media City Bergen

H.E.President Andrej Kiska of Slovakia and H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon visited Media City Bergen yesterday as part of a state visit to Norway.

June 6: State Visit from Slovakia

His Royal Highness The Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska to visit Media City Bergen on Wednesday June 6.

Join NCE Media to New York for the US Midterm Elections and to IBC in Amsterdam

For the first time, Media City Bergen and the Media Cluster will set up its own stand during IBC, Europe’s largest media technology trade show in Amsterdam. This will be a great opportunity to promote both the Cluster and its companies, as well as Bergen and Norway. Later this fall, we set sails for New York and the US midterm elections.

Meet our Interns

We are delighted to introduce you to our first interns at NCE Media! Maria and Joakim are Master's students at The Western Norway Uni. of Applied Sciences (HVL), studying innovation, entrepreneurship and economy. They have certainly come to the right place!

Experimenting with audio-journalism

Innovation is booming in the media cluster. Tech-company Beat is collaborating with Bergens Tidende to build new products around audio-content.

– This is not future-based. This is happening right now!

IBM's Thomas Anglero, Director of Innovation IBM Watson, gave a wake-up call to more than 200 delegates from Norway's leading publishers during the lead-in to the Nordic Media Festival last week. (Photo: Archive)

Media Meets Tourism

Last week, NCE Tourism & NCE Media joined forces during the very first NCE Tourism conference, hosted in Media City Bergen & at the Scandic Ørnen hotel.

Erica Orange, The Digital Dragon, and Just Add Ai to mcb tech .18

Technology expert and futurist Erica Orange will be on stage at mcb tech .18, June 21-22. She will be joining a stellar lineup of international speakers for the inaugural media and finance technology conference in Bergen. The other confirmed speakers are Digital Dragon, discussing the second wave of innovation, and demonstrating how a German Bundesliga uses AI in scouting.

Music-Tech Therapy for Dementia Sufferers

Soundio is combining music and technology as a non-drug alternative for improving the lives of people suffering from dementia.  The startup company will present their project at the upcoming Show and Tell in the Media Lab on April 17. (Photo: Soundio)

About mcb tech .19

mcb tech .19, the future focused conference for tomorrow's leaders. Save the date: Media City Bergen, Norway, June 13, 2019

Venue & Conference Information

An overview of everything you will need to know about the conference.

Venue Information

An overview of everything you will need to know about the venues for Future Week

Richard Rumelt opens the Inaugural MCB Technology Conference

Save the dates June 21 & 22 for mcb tech .18, the first-ever Media City Bergen technology conference! None other than Richard Rumelt, Renowned Strategy Thought Leader, Business Professor and Author, will deliver the conference keynote.

To Watch, and Being Watched Online

We, as readers and consumers of news, are going from just reading and watching content, to being watched ourselves. (Photo: Robert Nedrejord)

– The Municipality of Bergen is a Startup!

The claim was made by Commisioner Dag Inge Ulstein last Friday as The Municipality of Bergen launched their brand new InnoLab - a new arena for great ideas, creativity, innovation and growth.

– Diversity is the Core of Innovation

This was one of the key messages from Justin Ferrell, one of the world's most renowned Design Thinking coaches, who held a number of workshops during his visit to MCB and MCB Media Lab last week.

ANTI Bergen First Norwegian Agency to be Awarded DBA's Design Effectiveness Award

– This marks an important step up for design in the region and nationally, says Tom Morgan, Strategic Director at ANTI Bergen (Photo: ANTI Bergen)

Successful UK Launch for Mediability

Scandinavian-based broadcast solutions provider, Mediability, has launched Mediability Global, a UK-based technical consultancy service.

mcb tech .20



See all members in the Norwegian Media Cluster

Grow Your Business and Learn from 100+ Global Leaders

Connect, Learn, and Innovate with the Media and Technology Industry inside Media City Bergen. (Photo illustration)

A Trip Down a Royal Memory Lane With Motiview

Motitech gave the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge a trip down memory lane during the Royal Visit to Norway last week. (Photo: Mads Oftedal Schwencke)

Dirtybit puts the Media Cluster on the Map at PGC London

Dirtybit's VP of Business & Marketing, Anette Ståløy, was one of the speakers at last week's Pocket Gamer Connects in London. (Photo: Aurora Berg)

Huge Interest in the First-Ever Nordic Summit in Media City Bergen

On January 15 and 16, SVG Europe joined forces with NCE Media and Media City Bergen for the first-ever Nordic Summit, which attracted nearly 100 delegates from across Europe and the U.S.

Get ready for an eventful spring in the Media Cluster

SVG Nordic Summit, Justin Ferrell from Stanford d:school, breakfast meetings, Show & Tells and several new concepts. If 2017 was an eventful year, 2018 will be even busier!

MCB Media Lab

The Media Cluster innovation hub, free access for members

2017 – Year In Review

331 new jobs, 18 new spin-offs and more than 100 members. This is the results from the Norwegian Media Cluster, as we conclude a successful 2017.

Håvard Myklebust is the Media Cluster Ambassador of 2017

Received the Award at NCE Media’s first-ever Christmas Special in the Media Lab.

University of Bergen and TV 2 to collaborate on Studio MCB

The agreement will give media students access to state of the art facilities for TV production

Labcast – Powered by Deloitte Digital

Labcast is Deloitte Digital's brand new podcast from the Media Lab in Media City Bergen. The podcast will explore innovation, technology and creativity –  the main activities in the Media Lab.

Nagelld is our member no. 100

We are proud to announce another milestone for the Media Cluster as we have reached 100 members!

NCE Media awarded prize from Bergen Næringsråd

– This is an inspiration to the business community of Bergen, as well as the city of Bergen, CEO of Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Marit Warncke, said in her speech. (Photo: Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

– It’s almost as if I’ve had a look into the future

A total of nine member companies from the Media Cluster attended this year’s Media Festival, a joint effort to showcase the diversity of media companies found in the cluster. The festival is a collaboration between Metis Videregående, Bergen Private Gymnas (BPG) and NCE Media. (Photo: Martin Egset-Linneke / Metis VGS)

This was the Future Week

An eventful week in the Media Lab has come to an end. Hundreds of people have visited the lab and witnessed first hand the solutions that are being created in the Media Cluster.

'Tjommi' and 'SPV Town' won the hackathon

The very first hackathon in Media City Bergen Media Lab has come to an end, and ten teams have been working around the clock to come up with the solutions of the future. And boy did they deliver!

Official opening of Media City Bergen

Linda Hofstad Helleland, Minister of Culture and Monica Mæland, Minister of Trade and Industry, will be present as the official opening of Media City Bergen finds place in the atrium Thursday November 9. (Photo: Entra/Mad)

– We have a lot to learn from the media cluster

120 editors from all over the country visited Bergen this week for their annual conference. Included in this event was a tour of Media City Bergen, and a visit to the media lab.

Future Week in the Media Lab

November 6-10: Artificial Monday, a two day hackathon with students and entrepreneurs, a virtual Thursday. And yes - Thank God, it will be Friday. Don't miss out on all the activities during Future Week in MCB Media Lab – see the full schedule here!

Get Real on Virtual Thursday

Media City Bergen Media Lab, in cooperation with VR Oslo, invites everybody in the Media Cluster to a fun and interesting day of VR, AR and 360 video: Breakfast meeting and Expo in MCB Media Lab

A Land of Opportunity in Combining Fintech and Viztech

This week, Finance Innovation was awarded Arena-status in the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme, as Innovation Norway announced seven new initiatives to be included in the programme

Zefyr Media Fund to move into Media City Bergen

– Media City Bergen gathers some of the largest players in the media industry in Bergen, and as a fund for audio-visual production, it feels natural to become a part of it.

NRK Moving into MCB Today

Today NRK Hordaland starts their big move from Minde to Media City Bergen.

Future Week - and WHAT a Week

November 6-10: Artificial Monday, a student Tuesday, an entrepreneurial Wednesday, and a virtual Thursday. And yes - Thank God, it will be Friday.

300 Media Leaders to Vizrt Days

Vizrt Days gathers industry leading broadcasters in Bergen, Norway for two days of inspiration and networking.

The Norwegian Media Cluster at Cutting Edge 2017

The Norwegian Media Cluster and VR Oslo exhibited together at Cutting Edge, the largest event of Oslo Innovation Week.

Study Tour: IBC Amsterdam

The day after our media lab launch in Amsterdam, we organized a guided NCE Media study tour at IBC, Europe’s largest broadcast show. 20 guests were introduced to the latest innovations coming out of the Norwegian Media Cluster.

The media lab officially opened

Around eighty people attended the launch of the Norwegian Media Cluster’s brand new Media Lab, as chairman of the Media Cluster board officially declared the lab for opened.

NCE Media partners with Deloitte

– We believe the media industry will be a frontrunner in developing exciting solutions for the next generation of business. The Norwegian Media Cluster is a leading example of this, says Dan Ison, partner and media industry lead in Deloitte North West Europe.

Vizrt brings AR to election night

Election night is not only a hugely important event for the Norwegian people, it is also a chance for companies in the media cluster to shine.

IBM selected partner for Media City Bergen Media Lab

IBM has been selected as the lead technology partner for NCE Media. The Norwegian Media Cluster will build their innovation platform on IBM Cloud. In addition, all IBMs 60+ employees in the Bergen area will be moving to Media City Bergen in January 2018.

– An outstanding environment for media startups

Mediekuben, a brand new, two year program for startups and established companies, has just launched in Media City Bergen. The aim is to identify truly disruptive projects.

A peek inside Media City Bergen

The first tenants of Media City Bergen™ have now started moving into the premises. Even though the first few weeks will be a bit chaotic, some companies are already fully operated in the new landmark building in Lars Hilles Gate.

Motion Corporations prototype vil gjøre NRK web-TV mer tilgjengelig for alle 

– Med vår prototype gir vi brukeren mulighet til å tilpasse strømmingen til eget behov.

The Vidden project

The use of sensors and beacons scattered on the mountain plateau Vidden, combined with AR technology, context and geolocation-based services will make it the tourist destination of the future.

NCE Media Study: IBC Amsterdam

Sep. 16-17: We are proud to invite you to the official launch of our brand new media lab, as well as an organized study tour at IBC, Europe's largest broadcast show. Meet the Norwegian Media Cluster companies, visit their booths at IBC and be updated on the latest media trends.

– Working hard on getting uncomfortable and learning from the best

Once again it was a great pleasure having Justin Ferrell from Stanford back in Bergen to visit the media cluster. This time to work with our startups.

Velkommen til Greensight

– Grønn omstilling gjort enklere.

Straight from the Labs 2017

Tapas, bobler og show stod på menyen da rundt 200 gjester var med på uoffisiell lansering av fremtidens digitale løsninger.

Possibility melder seg inn i klyngen

– Vi utvikler og gjennomfører opplevelser som skaper verdi for kundene våre, sier Harold Sletten, CEO i Possibility.

Fotballeventyret FotMob

NorApps står bak en av verdens ledende fotballapper. Nå melder bergensselskapet seg inn i klyngen.

– Satser knallhardt på sanntidsgrafikk

MYREZE gjør sitt inntog i medieklyngen. Bli bedre kjent med dem her!

MovieMask melder seg inn i medieklyngen

Vårt nye medlem gir deg den klassiske kinoopplevelsen hvor du vil, når du vil!

– Utrolig nyttig

– Her var det muligheter jeg overhodet ikke kjente til, sa Hilde Gudvangen, gründer og CEO i oppstartsselskapet MUML. Hilde var en av deltakerne på dagens SkatteFUNN-kurs i regi NCE Media.

Utfordringen er å være kort og klar

SpeakLab holdt denne uken dagskurs i presentasjon for medlemmer i medieklyngen. – Et kurs jeg kan anbefale på det sterkeste, sa Anette Dahlstrøm Ståløy fra Dirtybit. 

Ouverture – øreplugger til absolutt alle anledninger

Gründerne i Aglaia har sett seg lei av ørepluggers begrensninger. Nå lager de i steden sine egne!

– Vi er historiefortellere

– Screen Story forteller historier gjennom bilder, film, musikk og hundrevis av andre virkemidler. Fotografi er et håndverk, og alle som jobber hos oss brenner for å fortelle gode historier på en god måte, sier fotograf og regissør Anders Hereid.

Vizrt og UiB får millioner til innovasjonsprosjekt

– Dette er virkelig en fjær i hatten for både oss i Vizrt og klyngen som helhet, sier Marius Monsen, UX-leder og prosjektansvarlig i Vizrt.

Vidden blir testplattform for medieteknologi

Bruk av sofistikerte sensorer og nettvarder spredt oppe på fjellplatået Vidden, kombinert med AR-teknologi, kontekst- og geolokasjonsbaserte tjenester skal gjøre Vidden til fremtidens turistdestinasjon. Teknologien utvikles i medieklyngen, og er et resultat av et tett samarbeid mellom NCE Tourism og NCE Media.

Fem selskaper fikk av vår innovasjonsmillion

NCE Media var i 2016 nok en gang blant vinnerne i konkurransen om å få dele ut en million kroner i innovasjonsmidler fra Innovasjon Norge. Nå er midlene tildelt fem spennende innovasjonsprosjekter i medieklyngen. Prosjektene skal realiseres i 2017.

​Dynamikken i medieklyngen skaper verdier i milliardklassen

Verdiskapingen i medieklyngen er på nærmere tre milliarder kroner årlig. I tillegg gir klyngen vesentlige ringvirkninger i sine omgivelser. Dette fremgår av en ny rapport utarbeidet for foreningen Media Region Bergen.

​18 nye spinoffs i medieklyngen

Hele 86 prosent av medieklyngens selskaper introduserte nye innovasjoner på markedet i 2016. I tillegg skapte medieklyngen 229 nye arbeidsplasser, derav 133 i bergensregionen, samt hele 18 nye datterselskaper/avdelingskontorer sist år.

Vimond får internasjonaliseringsprisen

Vimond ble kåret til ”Årets Villsau” under årsmiddagen til Bergen Næringsråd fredag. Prisen ble delt ut av Næringsminister Monica Mæland. – En stor ære, sa CEO i Vimond, Helge Høibraaten.

Challenging! Wonderful! Exciting!

We could not ask for more! The feedback was overwhelming after a full day's intense workshop with Justin Ferrell, Fellowship director at Stanford Ferrell was back in Bergen to visit NCE Media, and to give a Design Sprint workshop for a few selected teams from the media cluster, and a keynote speech for more than 110 attendees from the media and tech industry in Bergen.

​Her starter et spennende samarbeid

- Dette var helt topp! Jeg er virkelig glad for at Bergen er så nærme Haugesund.

Vimond is launching a brand new Trainee Program

Vimond Media Solutions is launching a new Trainee Program. The program starts in August 2017 and will run for a year.

Storstilt feiring på Nøstekaien

Politikere, næringslivsledere, byråder og en rekke klyngeledere fikk i går testet sykkelformen gjennom VM-løypen i Bergen sentrum. Med høy stemning og stort pågangsmot syklet følget med eskorte gjennom byen på besøk til NCE Media, NCE Tourism og NCE Seafood.

Teknologisk maktdemonstrasjon fra den norske medieklyngen, i Rio

Med TV 2 i spissen setter selskaper fra den norske medieklyngen spor i Rio med sin OL-produksjon. Ikke nok med at TV 2 er en av kun to tv-stasjoner i verden som får lov til å sette opp sitt eget studio inne på campus, men de teknologiske løsningene som er utviklet i samarbeid med flere av klyngens selskaper vekker også oppsikt.

Bildespesial: Bak dørene i Media City Bergen™

Vi vet at det blant medlemmene våre er knyttet stor spenning til status på MCB-prosjektet. Nylig fikk vi muligheten til å være med på innsiden og få et innblikk i hvordan det jobbes frem mot innflyttingsdato i august 2017. Se vår bildespesial!

The Norwegian Media Cluster Makes its Mark on NAB

The Norwegian media cluster, headquartered in Bergen, makes its mark on the NAB Show, the world's largest media and technology conference and expo in Las Vegas. "The amount of innovation that happens out of Bergen just makes you realise that something special is going on there", said founder and president of Reality Check Systems, Andrew Heimbold.

Medieklyngen satte sitt preg på NAB

Den norske medieklyngen, med hovedsete i Bergen, satte sitt tydelige preg på NAB Show, verdens største medie- og teknologimesse i Las Vegas sist uke. "Andelen innovasjon som kommer ut av Bergen gjør at man forstår det er noe spesielt som skjer der". Det sa grunnlegger og president i Reality Check Systems, Andrew Heimbold.

Fremtidens løsninger skapes i samarbeid

– Det er utrolig viktig å møtes. Forskningsmiljøet har godt av å se hva som rører seg i bransjen, og vice versa. Her har NCE Media skapt en plattform for samarbeid vi kan bygge videre på inn mot Media City Bergen™.

Empowering Stories

Media City Bergen™ is a leading, international hub for media and technology innovation, powered by the Norwegian Media Cluster, at last count, consisting of over 100 members.

Robot som revolusjonerer studioavvikling

Electric Friends er en startup som skal tilby diverse software og hardware-løsninger for å automatisere TV-produksjon – og det med millimeterpresisjon!

Slik blir medieklyngens visuelle identitet

Media City Bergen™ er under bygging, NCE Media er oppgradert fra et arenaprosjekt til et NCE (Norwegian Centre of Expertice) og medlemsforeningen Media Region Bergen er etablert. Nå er tiden kommet for å bygge vår felles visuelle identitet.

IBC i Amsterdam 2015: Se vår spesielle oppsummering

En rekke av selskapene i medieklyngen var sterkt tilstede på IBC i Amsterdam nylig, en av verdens største TV-messer med over 1700 utstillere. Vizrt dro hjem pris for beste stand. Her er en liten stemningsrapport.

– Her er det enorme muligheter

Det uttrykte en begeistret Christopher Giertsen ved Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) da en rekke utvalgte selskaper fra medieklyngen møtte utvalgte fagområder og avdelinger ved CMR denne uken.

- En viktig dag for Bergen

- Dette er en god dag både for Bergen, og for de mange medieselskapene som skal flytte inn her.Det sa statsminister Erna Solberg da hun la ned grunnsteinen i den nye kunnskaps- og næringsparken i Lars Hillesgate, Media City Bergen™.

Vi har fått en million - den gir vi til dere!

NCE Media er blitt tildelt en "Innovasjonsramme" på 1 million kroner av Innovasjon Norge. Denne skal vi bruke til starthjelp eller utvikling av gode konsepter og prosjekter i klyngen. Nå starter jakten på de beste ideene – hos dere!

You made it!

Ti fantastiske representanter for medieklyngen stod på scenen da vi inviterte mediefolk fra hele landet til eventen Made in Bergen under mediedagene. Vi slår fast, med all mulig bergensk beskjedenhet, at de ti selskapene leverte varene!

Stor fremgang for medieklyngen

De fremmøtte på årsmøtet til foreningen Media Region Bergen fikk en gjennomgang av et fremgangsrikt år for medieklyngen.

NCE Media

NCE Media is the innovation engine for the more than hundred cluster members. The Norwegian Media Cluster is a world ­leader in augmented ­reality, graphics, AI, virtual studios, robotics, broadcast & IP based video, and tools for workflow and visual storytelling.