Program Future Week 21

Published 27.09.2021
See the program from Future Week 21.

Full program in calendar view


Office area by a window

Title: The future is wireless. 5G and emerging technologies
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 8.30 - 10.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here  
Description: 5G is expected to open up completely new opportunities for many industries. Not least this also applies to the media industry, where technology is now being tested and explored. Although the possibilities are many, 5G is still quite in the making and a number of questions and conditions remain unanswered and unresolved.

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Henk van Ess with a magnifying glass

Title: Workshop with Henk van Ess: Filtering social media
Speakers: Henk van Ess
Location: Medialab, MCB Tower 3, 9th floor
Time: 10.00 - 13.00
Language: English
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: Learn how to search for photos, videos, and postings on Facebook by location and date, how to make invisible friend lists visible, and how to make your own formulas using a special search engine. On LinkedIn you will learn how to find very specific information in unexpected places using special commands; on Twitter, you will learn how to look for missing tweets, how to filter, and how to improve the accuracy of your answers.

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Portait of professor Marija Slavkovik

Title: The difference between intelligence and deep learning, and why crime shows lie about fingerprints
Speakers: Marija Slavkovik
Location: UIB, MCB Main Entrance, 2nd floor
Time: 12.00 - 12.30
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: The talk clarifies what deep learning is and what it is not, why it works better than statistical analysis, and why deep does not mean intelligent. An interesting development in AI is what gets to be called AI and what we call automation or just computing. We look into the case of automated fingerprint identification systems and why these, when used for fighting crime, are not and should not be built using deep learning.  

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Portait of Anagha Joshi

Title: Medical AI
Anagha Joshi
UIB, MCB Main Entrance, 2nd floor
12.30 - 13.00
Requires registration:
Streamed: No
Professor Anagha Joshi explains how the future of medical research and practice is rapidly changing with developing technologies.

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Compilation of photos from the events in Oslo

Title: Future Week in Oslo
James Ball
Ytring, Pressens Hus, Oslo
13.00 - 18.00
Requires registration:
Streamed: Yes, see it here

We are hosting four exciting sessions together with Mediebedriftenes Landsforening at Pressens Hus. It is the perfect location for taking a dive into journalistic challenges and opportunities. All Future Week events at Pressens Hus are free and open for all to attend.

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Big stand with three screens and posters

Title: Mediability EXPO
Atrium, MCB, Exhibition area
13.00 - 16.00
Requires registration:
Streamed: No
Exhibition of Panasonic camera, LiveU 5G streaming equipment, BirdDog, Sachtler, LitePanels, NewTek, various NDI-compatible equipment, and more.

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Portait of Erik Knudsen

Title: NEWSREC: The promise and perils of algorithmic news recommenders’ influence on democracy
Speakers: Erik Knudsen
Location: UIB, MCB Main Entrance, 2nd floor
Time: 13.00 - 13.30
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: In this talk, Erik Knudsen will present the research agenda and early results from the NEWSREC project – a project that will study the promise and perils of news recommender systems by understanding how news recommender algorithms can be designed to either create or counter the formation of online filter bubbles.

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Portrait of James Ball

Title: Good intentions gone bad
Speakers: James Ball
Location: Pressens Hus, Oslo
Time: 13.00 - 13.30
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: Using reporting from his recent book The System: Who Owns The Internet And How It Owns Us, investigative journalist James Ball explains how choices made in the very design of the early internet led to the rise of private tracking through our browsers and our cookies – despite being intended to do the opposite. Having charted the rise of the cookie, Ball will then set out how it might be replaced.

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Portait of female professor Cyndecka

Title: GDPR and where to limit A.I? How to avoid efficiency at the expense of humanity
Speakers: Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka
Location: UIB, MCB Main Entrance, 2nd floor
Time: 13.30 - 14.15
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No

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A mix of graphs, chats and searchbars

Title: Livet etter cookien
Speakers: Ingvild Næss
Location: Pressens Hus, Oslo
Time: 13.30 - 14.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: I forbindelse med behandlingen av Digital Services Act (DSA) er det kommet endringsforslag som handler om å forby eller begrense målrettet reklame. Ingvild Næss som er Chief Privacy and Data Trends Officer i Schibsted og leder av MBLs Data og personverngruppe, vil gå gjennom de utfordringene vi som bransje står overfor og peke på mulige veier videre.

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Portrait of Hank van Ess with a magnifying glass

Title: Workshop with Henk van Ess: So you think you can Google
Speakers: Henk van Ess
Location: Medialab, MCB Tower 3, 9th floor
Time: 14.00 - 17.00
Language: English
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: Learn how to time travel with Google, find documents from the right period, check if a source is reliable, find current figures quickly, get rid of junk, and discover new commands in a fun way. You will devise a strategy to never think of your question again, but of your answer, as you learn. The knowledge will be immediately applicable!

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Portrait of female professor Ana Ozaki

Title: Querying Neural Networks
Speakers: Ana Ozaki
Location: UIB, MCB Main Entrance, 2nd floor
Time: 14.00 - 14.30
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Associate Professor Ana Ozaki presents a new approach for extracting rules, expressed in Horn logic, from neural network models.

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Four photographs of people in meetings

Title: Show & Tell
Speakers: Olav Hjertaker (Web64),, Henrik Bøe (NRK), Miguel Silva (Visualyst), and Maria Amelie (Factiverse)
Location: Ytring, Pressens Hus, Oslo
Time: 14.15 - 16.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No  
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: Møt noen av medieklyngens spennende selskaper og tech-startups, og få et innblikk «på bakrommet» til de som jobber med ulike innovasjonsprosjekt for mediebransjen.

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Two persons showing each other something on their phones

Title: UiB Student Demo
Location: UIB, MCB Main Entrance, 2nd floor
Time: 14.30 - 16.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Students from the University of Bergen present their latest mediatech projects.

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People standing around in a room talking

Title: Networking / Meet-up
Location: Ytring, Pressens Hus, Oslo
Time: 16.00 - 18.00
Language: English/Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Following Show&Tell, there will be an opportunity for all attendees to mingle, network, and continue the conversation.

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Female and male standing by each other

Title: Hjetland og Hønsi om Highsoft: Fra Vikafjellet til verden
Speakers: Helge Høibraaten, Grethe Hjetland, Torstein Hønsi
Location: Dallucci, Atrium MCB
Time: 16.00 - 17.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No  
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: 80 av de 100 største selskapene på Fortune 500 list bruker Highcharts, hør den utrolige historien og bli kjent med menneskene bak selskapet.

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Portrait of a male

Title: Meetup: Bergen Lean Agile Leadership
Speakers: Pirita Maarit Johnsen, Hussam Ahmad
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 18.00 - 19.30
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: In the era of software the speed of change and uncertainty is very high. We are witnessing how many, previously successful, companies are going down in spite of powerful strategies and big execution muscles. The problem often resides in the gap between Strategy and Execution in this new era. In this meetup, we will be introducing the solution to close this gap called "Lean Portfolio Management, LPM" and provided by Scaled Agile Framework, SAFe®.

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Portrait of James Ball in a tshirt

Title: Stats versus story
Speakers: James Ball
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 8.30 - 9.15
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: Data journalism is getting more sophisticated every month: big publications especially have a fantastic design, statistical expertise, and more coders than ever – not to mention advanced OSINT skills. But we sometimes forget that our readers don’t have those resources on hand. How do we make sure our expertise works for our audience and our journalism, and not against it?

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People in a conference with a big screen

Title: MCB Hack, The conference for data journalists
Speakers: Maarten Lambrechts, Lasse Lambrecths, Mads Ommundsen, Frode Nordbø, and more speakers to be announced
Location: Atlantis, MCB Auditorium
Time: 9.00 - 15.00
Language: English
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: MCB Hack er en rykende fersk konferanse rettet spesielt mot nerdene i redaksjonene. Konferansen legger seg midt i skjæringspunktet mellom teknologi og journalistikk, hvor visualisering, koding, skraping og sensorikk er relevante stikkord. Vi lover et program med bransjens aller høyeste nerdefaktor! Vi runder det hele av med en Hackathon, hvor vi jobber sammen på et problem i fellesskap.

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Big stand with three screens and posters

Title: Mediability EXPO
Location: Atrium, MCB, Exhibition area
Time: 9.00 - 16.00
Language: Norwegian/English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Utstilling av Panasonic kamera, LiveU 5G streaming utstyr, BirdDog, Sachtler, LitePanels, NewTek, diverse NDI-kompatibelt utstyr, med mer.

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Woman working on a computer

Title: Vimond Stand in the MCB Atrium
Location: Atrium, MCB, Exhibition area
Time: 9.00 - 16.00
Language: Norwegian/English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Come by our stand to learn more about how cloud-editing can benefit your business or book an appointment!

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Portrait of a manPortrait of a man

Title: Workshop: How to make international collaborations actually work
Speakers: James Ball
Location: Medialab, MCB Tower 3, 9th floor
Time: 10.00 - 12.00
Language: English
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: In this interactive workshop James Ball, the global editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and an ICIJ member, will lead a discussion on the practicalities of actually making collaboration across countries effective and enjoyable.

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man working on a cartoon computer

Title: Introduction to IBM Watson
Location: Medialab, MCB Tower 3, 9th floor
Time: 12.00 - 14.00
Language: English
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: One of the most critical skillsets in the near future is knowledge about artificial intelligence. In this two-hour workshop, a data scientist from IBM will give you as a student a live demo of and a general introduction to IBM Watson.

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Man wearing VR-glasses

Title: Mediatech
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 12.00 - 14.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: In this session, you will meet various companies and solutions, all talking about the possibilities within mediatech.

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Title: Entrepreneurship in media
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 13:25-14:00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: We bring together two companies that come from two different backgrounds. For Ljoma, it started as hobby for the founder Kåre Mongstad. When he realized he was on to something, but with the need for both funding and knowledge. Everviz is a result of «intrapreneurship», how to build from inside, and then spin out. We will learn more about their journey and the in-ears Ljoma produces and the interactive chart platform that Everviz has rolled out.

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Informing text about the event

Title: Mediatech Stars Pitching Contest
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 14.00 - 16.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: MediaMotorEurope (MME) presents the most promising media startups in Europe in the Future Week pitching contest for the 3rd support cycle startups.

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Men sitting and listening

Intern kompetanseheving, ja takk! Men hvordan?
Location: UIB, MCB Main Entrance, 2nd floor
Time: 14.00 - 14.45
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Både TV 2 og Schibsted har lyktes med å skape engasjement internt i sine organisasjoner gjennom systematisk jobbing med intern opplæring. Begge bedriftene har det samme målet, men tilnærmingene deres er helt ulike. I denne sesjonen vil du få vite hvordan du kan styrke kompetansen og engasjementet i hele organisasjonen ved å la medarbeidere inspirere hverandre.

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many people sitting by tables listening

Title: Media for alle
Location: UIB, MCB Main Entrance, 2nd floor
Speaker: Kristoffer Lium (NRK), Siri Antonsen (NRK), Øystein Moseng (Highsoft), Ted Gies (Elsevier), Philipp Bock (BT)
Time: 15.15 - 16.30
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Universell Utforming i mediebransjen handler om å utforme løsninger som gjør digitalt innhold tilgjengelig for alle – uavhengig av funksjonsevne. Slik får vi et mer inkluderende samfunn. I denne sesjonen møter du eksperter på UU-feltet. Du får nyttige tips til hvordan man med enkle grep kan øke tilgjengeligheten på innholdet ditt.

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Sinking Estonia ship

Title: Screening of Estonia
Location: Atlantis, MCB Auditorium
Time: 16.00 - 21.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: On 28 September 1994, the cruise ferry MS Estonia sank in the cold Baltic Sea.
For many years, a lack of firm evidence in the official report led to multiple conspiracy theories and questions about the real cause of the sinking of the ship. "Estonia: the discovery that changes everything" is a documentary series released in 2020, that puts new facts on the table. All five episodes of the documentary will be screened and there will be served pizza and popcorn.

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Two men sitting by a desk working on their computers

Title: Hackathon
Location: Medialab, MCB Tower 3, 9th floor
Time: 16.00 - 20.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: Som en forlengelse av konferansen MCB Hack arrangerer vi en hackathon hvor vi samles for å hacke rundt et konkret case. Vi lover en ettermiddag/kveld med høy nerdefaktor og genuint engasjement.

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Portrait of a man with a beard

Title: Den norske drømmen
Speakers: Kadafi Zaman
Location: Dallucci, Atrium MCB
Time: 16.00 - 17.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: Kadafi Zaman er aktuell med boken Den norske drømmen, som forventes i salg i slutten av september. Bli med når Aslaug C. Henriksen, utenrikssjefen i TV 2, setter seg ned for fireplace chat med den profilerte journalisten for å høre mer om boken og historien bak.

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Two men standing beside each otherTwo men standing beside each other

Title: Krimpodden live
Speakers: Øystein Milli, Håvard Kristoffersen Hansen
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 17.00 - 18.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Bli med når Krimpodden, VGs podkast om kriminalsaker i Norge, kommer til Bergen for Future Week, tirsdag 28. september kl. 17:00.

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Portrait of a man in a shirt

Title: Journalism is for citizens - not for journalists
Speakers: Shirish Kulkarni, Mads Ommundsen (Fevennen), Frode Nordbø (Fevennen), Frøy Guldbrandsen (BT), and more speakers to be announced
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 8.30 - 10.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: How do we build journalism that better reflects society, provides us with the information we need to participate, and inspires trust?

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Big stand with three screens and posters

Title: Mediability EXPO
Location: Atrium, MCB, Exhibition area
Time: 9.00 - 12.00
Language: Norwegian/English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Utstilling av Panasonic kamera, LiveU 5G streaming utstyr, BirdDog, Sachtler, LitePanels, NewTek, diverse NDI-kompatibelt utstyr, med mer.

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Man standing in front of a big screen

Title: How to boost in-house innovation through EU funds
Speakers: Kristoffer Hammer (MCB), Sveinung Einan (Rainfall), Mike Matton (VRT), and John Erik Setsaas (Signicat)
Location: Medialab, MCB Tower 3, 9th floor
Time: 10.00 - 10.30
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: EU funds may help accelerate innovation in your company in different ways. We will hear the stories from three cutting-edge companies and their own experiences from working with the different options for EU funding. With speakers from fintech (Signicat), broadcast (VRT), and consultancy (Rainfall).

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a small device made from cartoon

Title: Den automatiserte redaktøren
Speakers: Maren Nan Myrseth (NRK), Ingeborg Volan (DN), Frode Guribye (UiB)
Location: UiB læringslab, MCB 3. etg.
Time: 10.15 - 11.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: Denne høsten rulles algoritmestyrte forsider ut i en rekke norske nettaviser. Hva skjer med samfunnsoppdraget når algoritmene i økende grad styrer nyhetene på fronten? Vi tar pulsen på personalisert nyhetsutvikling, og spør: Har redaktørene kontroll med satsingen på kunstig intelligens?

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Informative text about the event

Title: MediaFutures Annual Meeting 2021
Speakers: Speakers from UiB, UiO, NORCE
Location: Atlantis, MCB Auditorium
Time: 11.00 - 17.30
Language: English
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: The first day of the conference is open to all interested parties. The program includes overview presentations about the MediaFutures Centre, keynote and scientific talks on media-tech topics, as well as research poster presentations by PhD candidates and graduate students.

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Information desk in a big office

Title: Lunsjseminar: Møt de som går helt nye veier for å fortelle spennende historier
Speakers: Helge Fjogstad, Tom Edvindsen, Ragnar Christensen
Location: Gnisten, Stavanger Aftenblad
Time: 11.30 - 13.45
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: Store kameraproduksjoner, roboter, en fotballsatsing uten sidestykke og storytelling fra dypet. Møt de som går helt nye veier for å fortelle spennende historier på måter. Vi starter med lunch, og deretter kommer sesjonene fortløpende.

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Portraits of three men

Title: Estonia: The discovery that changed history
Speakers: Frithjof Jacobsen, Bendik Mondal, and Henrik Evertsson
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 14.00 - 15.30
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: On the 28th of September 2020, the documentary series «Estonia - The discovery that changes the story» was released. At Future Week 2021, producer Frithjof Jacobsen and directors Bendik Mondal and Henrik Evertsson present their work with the series. They will tell you all about the political, judicial, and public reactions and share their thoughts about the future of this developing story.

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Informative text about the event

Title: MediaFutures - Posters and pitches
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 15.30 - 17.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No

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Entrance area of media city bergen with glass windows and a screen

Title: Kan Norge få svenske innovasjonstilstander?
Speakers: Håvard Myklebust (Fonn Group), Christina Moe Gjerde (VOI), Olav Sandnes (TV 2), Terje Breivik, and more speakers to be announced
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 17.00 - 18.30
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: Sverige har i flere år vært et av verdens beste land å drive innovasjon og startupselskaper fra. Sverige er rangert som nr. 5 på Bloombergs innovasjonsindeks. Norge er helt nede på 15. plass. Mens Sverige har Spotify, Skype, Klarna og Ericsson har vi et stykke å gå i Norge. Velkommen til after work-debatt med næringslivs-aktører og politikere hvor vi diskuterer hva som skal til for å få svenske tilstander på innovasjonssiden i Norge.

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city nights by night and logos for multiple companies

Title: Norwegian Cognitive Center - Prepare for change
Speakers: Ingrid Agasøster (Mjoll), Sharecat, NORA, Ketil Malde (UiB), and Norwegian Cognitive Center
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 8.30 - 10.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: By 2025 Gartner, Accenture, and World Economic Forum say; 95% of all customer interactions will be AI-powered, a third of the most important skillsets needed by then is absent today and that AI will be the most important single factor that contributes to increased value creation in many industries. We will meet several organizations that have started their preparations to meet these future challenges and hear how Norwegian Cognitive Center can be a tool to meet the future of AI.

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people standing in front of a wall of computers and screens in a studio, debating

Title: Sportsjournalistikkonferansen
Location: Atlantis, MCB Auditorium
Time: 9.00 - 17.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: Innhold, innovasjon og teknologi er de tre nøkkelordene når Media City Bergen, TV 2 Sporten og Ennem samarbider on et helt nytt initiativ. Målet er å samle forskjellige evner, interesser, og mennesker for både faglige og sosiale events.

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Portrait of a man holding a presentation

Title: AI - Present and future
Speakers: Morten Goodwin
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 13.00 - 14.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: The truth about artificial intelligence is much more fantastic than you can imagine and a lecture with Morten offers both entertaining and educational experiences. You will be given good advice on how to create success in a digital world and a whole new perspective on artificial intelligence.

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A man presenting with a microphone in his hand

Title: A brief history of computer music
Speakers: Anders Norås
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 14.00 - 15.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: In this talk, we'll go on a journey through the history of music made with code. We'll meet the pioneers who invented computer music, visit classic video game soundtracks, learn how computer musicians made big sounds with tiny tech, how algorithms create never-ending soundtracks and the huge impact computer music has had on popular culture. Expect lots of nostalgia, vintage code on vintage computers, and a musical experience of epic proportions.

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a man holding a presentation

Title: AI Workshop
Speakers: Morten Goodwin
Location: Medialab, MCB Tower 3, 9th floor
Time: 14.00 - 16.00
Language: English
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: The workshops will include a brief introduction to topics that need, prerequisites, ethical and moral dilemmas, and change management. The participants work with specific issues in groups. There will be an active discussion of each topic.

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Graphic drawing of a person holding a mobile phone screen

Title: STADIEM Pitching Contest
Speakers: Datavillage, Visualyst, Smartocto, Nowtilus, Utelly, Aiconix, Trensition, The Chainless/DeepVA
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 16.00 - 18.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: Yes, see it here
Description: Come by MCB after work on Thursday 30 September, grab a bite to eat from the free buffet, and listen to some of the greatest European scaleups pitch their innovative solutions for next-generation media.

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Portrait of an older smiling man with glasses

Title: What every IT person needs to know about OpenBSD
Speakers: Peter Hansteen
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 18.00 - 19.30
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: "Functional, free and secure by default", OpenBSD remains a crucial yet largely unacknowledged player in the open source field. This talk aims to highlight the project's signature security features and development practices -- razor sharp focus on correct and secure code coupled with continuing code audit -- as well as the project's role as source of innovation in security practices and 'upstream' source for numerous widely used components such as OpenSSH, PF, LibreSSL and others.

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Hands working on a computer part

Title: Measure your city
Speakers: Harmen G. Zijp & Diana Wildschut (De WAR, the Netherlands)
Location: Medialab, MCB Tower 3, 9th floor
Time: 18.00 - 21.00
Language: English
Requires registration: Yes, sign up here
Streamed: No
Description: In this workshop, you will get your hands dirty, soldering microchips, transistors, and resistors into a fully functioning IoT weather station that will transmit data to the cloud using open and free The Things Network technology. The best part of it all? After the workshop, you will get to take home your very own weather station and contribute to climate research. It doesn't get better than that!

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a man holding a presentation in front of many people

Title: Når kunstig intelligens inntar redaksjonen
Location: Restaurant, MCB Ground Floor
Time: 8.30 - 10.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Kunstig intelligens i redaksjonene er ikke lenger en fjern fremtidsdrøm. Roboter er allerede i full gang med å innhente og verifisere data, skrive saker og tilpasse dem til ulike målgrupper. Samtidig kommer den nye teknologien med problemstillinger knyttet til moral og etikk. I dette frokostmøtet blir du kjent med noen av dem som har tatt KI i bruk, og får høre om deres erfaringer og tanker om fremtiden.

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Logo of the organisation

Title: NDI: Moving video, moving the world
Speaker: Liam Hayter
Location: UiB Læringslab, MCB Tower 1, 3rd floor
Time: 11.00 - 12.00
Language: English
Requires registration: No
Streamed: No
Description: Liam Hayter from Vizrt Group has been at the cutting edge of NDI implementation for years – in this session he will be sharing some real-world applications from around the globe, and looking into the radical new potential in NDI 5 and beyond. And he will of course be doing it all via NDI.

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Two men sitting in front of the hollywood sign

Title: Live Podcast Klassereisen: Alle disse bonusturene som kom og gikk, ikke visste jeg at de var selve reiselivet
Speakers: Kaspar Synnevåg, Henrik Hylland Uhlving, and Bent Skjærstad
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 12.00 - 13.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Description: Kaspar Synnevåg og Henrik Hylland Uhlving driver reisepodcasten Klassereisen, hvor de til nå har samlet eurobonuspoeng for å fly gratis verden rundt på første klasse. Pandemien har foreløpig satt en effektiv stopper for nye eventyr. Hva tenker de om fremtiden for reiselivet, bonusprogrammer og planeten? Gjest: Utenriksjournalist, bonus-jeger og reise-entusiast, Bent Skjærstad i TV2.

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a woman leaning on a sofa

Title: Live Podcast: Eli Kari lurer på?
Speakers: Eli Kari (Scary Weather) and Haakon Vatle (Stiftelsen Statsraad Lehmkuhl)
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 13.00 - 14.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Description: Scary Weather lager podcastserien "Eli Kari lurer på". Gjesten hennes blir Haakon Vatle, som er direktør for Stiftelsen Statsraad Lehmkuhl. Haakon er egentlig musiker, og en av de få som har en master i shanty-sang. Rett person på rett plass altså?

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Man presenting with a computer

Title: Let us entertain you
Speakers: Anders Norås (Itera), Elin Helgheim og Kristin Helgeland (NRK), Thomas Hellum og Sindre Skrede (NRK), Petter Ole Jakobsen (Vizrt), Lars Nyre (UiB)
Location: Dallucci, Atrium MCB
Time: 14.00 - 16.00
Language: Norwegian
Requires registration: No
Description: Denne fredagsettermiddagen kan du lene deg tilbake og senke skuldrene og la deg inspirere! I denne sesjonen har vi samlet ulike foredrag hvor alle har det til felles at de garantert byr på ny innsikt og flere aha-opplever.

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three balloons

Title: Future Fest
Location: Atrium, MCB
Time: 17.00 - 23.00
Requires registration: No
Description: After one and a half years without the possibility of coming together with friends and colleagues, we will make sure that Future Week ends with a party for the history books.

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