This project could never have been realized without some heavy support and dedication from the media lab's trusted partners. The launch was held in Amsterdam in conjunction with IBC, where several of the cluster companies are attending to showcase their latest products and solutions. Thanks to the substantial support by three dedicated partners, all the media cluster members can now enjoy their new media lab and technical sandbox in Media City Bergen.
IBM as a technology partner
IBM will bring the IBM Watson and IBM Cloud into the lab. Through this partnership and collaboration, the developers in the Norwegian Media Cluster will have access to IBM’s open, cloud based innovation platform, and to modern, compatible tech modules, including the cognitive Watson technology. Representing IBM at the launch was Tom Darlington, services executive Global Media and Entertainment.
– Today, it’s all about content on any device, any time. We are humble and proud to be the tech partner in the lab. We will not only lean in, but we will actually step in with you to make this a very successful project, Darlington said from the stage.
Tom Darlington, services executive Global Media and Entertainment, IBM.
Deloitte Digital on board
On Saturday, Deloitte was presented as one of the partners in the media lab. The company will relocate to Media City Bergen in 2018. Svenn Erik Edal, partner in Deloitte, was present at the launch in Amsterdam, and is looking forward to helping develop the lab.
– We want to connect our team with the media cluster companies, and create a platform for cooperation. Today, there is an overflow of data, and it is critical going forward to convert data and start working smarter. One of the key elements of success in Deloitte is our own media lab, Deloitte Digital. Now we want to take this a step further, and will partner with the media cluster lab, Edal said.
Svenn Erik Edal, Partner Nordic Energy & Resources Leader, Deloitte, and Ed Greig, Chief Disruptor in Deloitte Digital.
Joining Svenn Erik Edal on stage was Ed Greig, Chief Disruptor in Deloitte Digital in London.
— Deloitte Digital has grown over the years, and we're now 600 people in our London office alone, and we have 26 labs all over the world. In Deloitte Digital we collaborate closely with our clients, and we try to create an ecosystem for cooperation. I’m eager to see how the media lab develops over the coming years, Greig said.
The media lab's third partner is Sparebanken Vest, which could not make it to this event.
The event kicked off with a new cluster promo, made by Terje Røkenes/Filmtriks.
– A prime example
CEO of Norwegian Innovation Clusters, Bjørn Arne Skogstad was part of the delegation that travelled to Amsterdam. He took the stage and praised the work being done in the media cluster.
– The realization of both Media City Bergen and the media lab is a prime example of what can be achieved within cluster cooperation. In many ways, Bergen is a Silicon Valley in miniature – you are adopting and enabling the Silicon Valley mindset and way of thinking. You are always going the extra mile, Skogstad said.
Skogstad also highlighted the media cluster’s ability to create successful spin off companies.
Bjørn Arne Skogstad, Program Manager, GCE and NCE, Innovation Norway.
– The Norwegian Media Cluster has an extraordinary high conversion from idea to spinoffs and new companies, and other industry clusters in Norway see to this cluster for inspiration. Now, we want more of the Norwegian clusters to achieve a closer connection with each other, and in turn create a Norwegian technology platform of the highest international standing, he said.
– A board of visionaries
After years of hard work and planning, the media lab has finally been realized. The media lab will be a cradle for cutting-edge innovation and research for all companies in the media cluster.
– This project was a longshot. It was a dream, and it took a lot of guts to pursue it, said Anne Jacobsen, CEO of the Norwegian Media Cluster, and continued:
– The Media Cluster has a board of visionaries, which has been a driving force from the very start. When everyone said that this would be a very difficult project to realize, the board said “ this can very well be a success”. Much of the credit must go to chairman of the Media Cluster board, Haavard Myklebust, Jacobsen said.Anne Jacobsen, CEO of the Norwegian Media Cluster.
In his speech, Myklebust thanked the founders of the media cluster for making it possible, highlighting the contribution from The University of Bergen and TV 2.
– The University and TV 2 have been key players in this project. There’s a long list of spinoffs out of TV 2, of which many has had lots of attention here at IBC. Electric Friends, with their revolutionary camera robot, has taken the conference by storm, Myklebust said.
Haavard Myklebust, Chairman of the Norwegian Media Cluster, and Group CEO of Mediability, officially declaring the Media Lab for opened.
Amongst the attendees was Elin Sjødin Drange, Head of Business Development in the municipality of Bergen. She was impressed with the technology that is created in the cluster.
– It is intriguing to be here and witness the solutions that come out of the media cluster first hand. The companies from Bergen are world leaders in their fields, and deliver media tech solutions that are game changers. It makes me incredibly proud to be from Bergen, Drange said.
Elin Sjødin Drange, Head of Business Dev. in the municipality of Bergen, and Petter Ole Jakobsen, CTO in Vizrt.
Packed crowd at Hotel Okura, Amsterdam
Leif Ove Larsen, Head of Department of Information Science and Media Studies, and Roy Tore Jensen, Head of Administration, Dept. of News and Sports, TV 2.
Arne Møller, Founder/Creative Director, SpeakLab, Matias Høibraaten, sales manager, Europe, Vimond and Kristian Bruarøy, CEO Bridje.
Haavard Myklebust, Group CEO of Mediability, and chairman of the Media Cluster Board and Ed Greig, Chief Disruptor at Deloitte Digital.